Chucklings example sentences

Related (10): giggles, cackles, laughter, chortles, snickers, chuckles, snorts, guffaws, howls, titters

"Chucklings" Example Sentences

1. The chucklings of the children echoed through the playground.
2. Sarah's chucklings were infectious and lifted everyone's spirits.
3. He couldn't help but join in the chucklings of his friends.
4. The comedian's jokes led to many chucklings from the audience.
5. The baby's chucklings were adorable and heartwarming.
6. The elderly couple's chucklings showed their love for one another.
7. The sound of chucklings filled the room as the group reminisced about old times.
8. Jane's chucklings could be heard from across the room.
9. Even the stern boss couldn't help but crack a few chucklings at the office party.
10. The sound of my dog's chucklings always brightens up my day.
11. The children's chucklings soon turned into full-on belly laughs.
12. The family's chucklings at the dinner table showed their happiness and love for one another.
13. The pair's chucklings gave away their secret inside joke.
14. The sound of chucklings followed the group as they roamed the fairgrounds.
15. The young girl's infectious chucklings spread throughout the room.
16. The couple's chucklings showed that their love for each other was still going strong after 50 years of marriage.
17. The baby's chucklings during bath time made for a more enjoyable experience.
18. The sound of chucklings filled the air as the group listened to a funny story.
19. The chucklings of the boys had the girls curious as to what they were laughing about.
20. The old men's chucklings at the coffee shop hinted to the many years they had spent together.
21. The sound of chucklings filled the church as the pastor told a joke during his sermon.
22. The group's chucklings at the beach showed they were having a good time.
23. The child's chucklings during the game showed his enjoyment of playing with his friends.
24. The sound of chucklings filled the car as the family drove to their vacation destination.
25. The couple's chucklings during the movie showed their shared sense of humor.
26. The man's chucklings at the bar showed his appreciation for the bartender's wit.
27. The children's chucklings at the park brought smiles to the faces of the onlookers.
28. The sound of chucklings followed the group as they made their way through the crowded mall.
29. The couple's chucklings over dinner showed their bond and enjoyment of each other's company.
30. The sound of chucklings filled the library as the group read a funny book together.

Common Phases

1. "We had a great time at the party; there were plenty of chucklings throughout the night."
2. "She always manages to make me laugh; her chucklings are infectious."
3. "Even though the meeting was boring, there were a few chucklings here and there to lighten the mood."
4. "My friend told me a hilarious joke; we both erupted into chucklings."
5. "During the movie, there were moments of chucklings from the audience at the witty dialogue."
6. "I love spending time with my niece; her constant chucklings bring joy to my day."
7. "At the comedy club, the crowd was filled with chucklings of laughter at the comedian's jokes."
8. "After a long day at work, I sat down and watched a funny video which resulted in several chucklings."
9. "My dog always makes me smile; his silly antics often lead to chucklings."
10. "During the wedding ceremony, there were a few chucklings from the guests when the groom forgot his lines."

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