Churls example sentences

Related (6): Churls, peasants, serfs, villeins, commoners, plebeians.

"Churls" Example Sentences

1. The churls refused to work in the fields, leaving the crops to wither.
2. The nobleman was disgusted by the churls' lack of manners at the banquet.
3. The king punished the churls for their disobedience.
4. The churls were envious of the nobleman's wealth and privilege.
5. The churls lived in squalor and poverty.
6. The lord of the manor treated his churls with contempt.
7. The churls resented the lord's authority and exploitation.
8. Many churls were forced to leave their lands due to rampant inflation.
9. The churls suffered mistreatment at the hands of their lords.
10. The churls were seen as a lower class than the nobility or gentry.
11. The churls worked hard, but were not rewarded for their labor.
12. Despite their low social status, some churls became successful merchants.
13. The churls struggled to survive during times of famine and disease.
14. The lord's son fell in love with a churl's daughter, causing scandal.
15. The churls were often subject to arbitrary justice and punishment.
16. The churls' lives were constrained by feudal obligations and servitude.
17. The churls were divided into those who worked the land and those who served the lord directly.
18. The lord's castle was built on the backs of his churls, who toiled endlessly.
19. The churls had few rights and little recourse when wronged by their superiors.
20. The churls dreamed of a world where they could live free from oppression.
21. The churls were constantly reminded of their inferiority by their lords and the church.
22. The lord's armies were recruited from his churls, who had no other options.
23. Some churls tried to escape their misery by becoming outlaws and bandits.
24. The churls were forbidden from marrying outside their class.
25. The churls were not allowed to own property or pursue their own interests.
26. The churls viewed the nobility as corrupt and unjust.
27. The lord's banquets were a source of envy and resentment for the churls.
28. The churls were routinely beaten and abused by their lords and overseers.
29. The lord's castle was fortified against attacks by his own churls.
30. The churls hoped for a future where they could live in equality and justice.

Common Phases

1. The churls refused to listen to reason; they were too blinded by their pride.
2. The haughty churls looked down on anyone they deemed beneath them; their arrogance was insufferable.
3. Despite their lack of manners, the churls managed to gain popularity among certain circles; their uncouth behavior was tolerated due to their wealth.
4. The churls made a habit of speaking out of turn; they often interrupted conversations with their unsolicited opinions.
5. The guests were appalled by the churls' behavior at the dinner party; their crude jokes and lewd remarks were highly inappropriate.
6. The churls thought they could get away with anything; they were quick to take advantage of those they perceived as weaker.
7. No one could stand to be around the churls for long; their constant complaints and negative attitudes were draining.
8. The churls were so focused on their own interests that they failed to see the bigger picture; they were shortsighted and selfish.
9. The churls prided themselves on their honesty, but often used it as an excuse to say hurtful things; their lack of tact was notorious.
10. The churls were unaware of their own ignorance; they spoke confidently about topics they knew nothing about.

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