Churners example sentences

Related (9): churn, agitate, centrifuge, whirlpool, roll, toss, stir, blend, shake

"Churners" Example Sentences

1. The company is experiencing a high rate of churners because of poor customer service.
2. If the churners exceed a certain threshold, we might need to rethink our marketing strategy.
3. The churners are leaving negative reviews online, damaging the brand reputation.
4. It's important to identify the reasons behind the churners so we can address them effectively.
5. We need to implement some retention tactics to prevent the churners from leaving.
6. The churners are costing the company a lot of money in lost revenue.
7. The churners seem to be concentrated in a specific geographic region.
8. We're hoping to reduce the churners by offering more value to our customers.
9. The churners are not just impacting our revenue, but also our employee morale.
10. It's alarming to see the number of churners increasing month after month.
11. The churners are switching to our competitors at an alarming rate.
12. We need to prioritize retaining our loyal customers and preventing them from becoming churners.
13. The churners are more likely to leave if they feel ignored or undervalued by the company.
14. Our team has been working hard to develop a plan to reduce the churners.
15. We need to figure out if the churners are leaving because of pricing, product issues, or other factors.
16. It's challenging to predict the behavior of churners and prevent them from leaving.
17. We need to find ways to engage with the churners and entice them to stay with us.
18. The company needs to invest in better customer service to reduce the number of churners.
19. The churners often leave without giving any feedback, making it difficult to improve the customer experience.
20. We're seeing a higher rate of churners in our newer customers, which is concerning.
21. We need to be proactive in identifying and addressing the concerns of potential churners.
22. The churners are leaving because they feel like they have better options elsewhere.
23. It's important for us to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and customer behaviors to prevent churners.
24. We need to be careful not to overlook the churners while focusing on acquiring new customers.
25. The churners are a clear indicator that something is not working right in our business model.
26. We should consider offering incentives to the churners to come back and give us another chance.
27. The churners can have a domino effect on our business, leading to more customers leaving.
28. We should monitor the feedback from the churners to see if there are any patterns in their complaints.
29. Reducing the churners is not just about improving our bottom line, but also our brand reputation and customer loyalty.
30. The churners are a reminder that we need to continuously work on our customer satisfaction and retention.

Common Phases

1. "We need to focus on retaining customers; the churn rate is too high."
2. "The churners aren't just leaving because of price; there's something else going on."
3. "Our marketing efforts need to target the churners and keep them engaged."
4. "The company can't keep growing if we can't reduce our churn rate; it's unsustainable."
5. "We need to gather more data on what causes our customers to become churners."
6. "It's important to understand why our churners are choosing our competitors over us."
7. "We have to take action to prevent current customers from becoming churners."
8. "Our customer service has to be top-notch to keep churners from leaving."
9. "We need to improve our product to meet the needs of our most common churners."
10. "Let's create a plan to re-engage with our churners and win them back."

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