"Citizen" Example Sentences
1. Every citizen has rights and responsibilities.
2. Voting is a duty and privilege of citizenship.
3. Citizenship confers both benefits and obligations.
4. New citizens take an oath of allegiance to their country.
5. The constitution protects the rights of all citizens.
6. Good citizens obey the laws and participate in civic life.
7. Undocumented immigrants aspire to become citizens.
8. Naturalized citizens take the same oath as native-born citizens.
9. The number of naturalized citizens is increasing every year.
10. Citizens elect representatives to make laws on their behalf.
11. Citizenship education teaches the rights and duties of citizens.
12. All citizens, regardless of background, deserve equal treatment.
13. Every citizen can make a positive difference in their community.
14. The citizens voted overwhelmingly in favor of the new law.
15. Responsible citizens pay their taxes and serve on juries.
16. When citizens lose faith in government, democracy suffers.
17. Active citizens participate in community organizations.
18. The government serves at the discretion of its citizens.
19. Citizens cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property arbitrarily.
20. Good citizenship involves being informed and getting involved.
21. We are citizens of the world as well as of our own nations.
22. Foreign-born citizens have enriched our culture and economy.
23. Elected officials represent the interests of all their citizens.
24. Educated and engaged citizens are the foundation of democracy.
25. Officials who betray the public trust violate the rights of citizens.
26. Non-citizens pay taxes but cannot vote or run for public office.
27. All citizens have the right to speak freely and assemble peaceably.
28. Active citizens participate in public consultations and protests.
29. The tyrant rules without regard for the will or welfare of citizens.
30. Citizens enjoy freedoms not afforded to subjects of a monarchy.
31. Good governance means acting for the benefit of all citizens.
32. Reasonable citizens debate issues and seek compromise solutions.
33. Corrupt governments fail their citizens and undermine democracy.
34. Patriotic citizens support policies that promote the common good.
35. African Americans who fought for freedom became full citizens.
36. Citizens should call out bigotry, injustice and unfair treatment.
37. Civil servants serve the interests of citizens, not political parties.
38. A citizen's arrest can be made to prevent a crime or catch a criminal.
39. Our nation's future depends on engaged and informed citizens.
40. Quiet citizens who go about their lives sustain civil society.
41. Model citizens set a positive example for others through good works.
42. Immigrant citizens enrich our culture and strengthen our economy.
43. Good citizens build community through volunteerism and charity.
44. Women achieved the right to vote and become full citizens.
45. Elected representatives govern on behalf of and for all citizens.
46. Citizen oversight of government helps ensure accountability.
47. New citizen immigrants swell the electorate and renew our nation.
48. All citizens deserve access to healthcare, education and opportunity.
49. Civic engagement is vital for good citizenship and democracy.
50. Conscientious citizens pay their fair share of taxes honestly.
51. Political movements have mobilized citizens to bring about change.
52. Loyal citizens support the government in times of war and crisis.
53. Civil disobedience by citizens can promote social progress.
54. Children of undocumented immigrants aspire to become full citizens.
55. Active citizenship involves working to improve one's community.
56. The right to vote is fundamental to citizenship in a democracy.
57. Responsible citizens serve on boards, commissions and committees.
58. Corrupt officials betray the public trust and violate citizens' rights.
59. We rely on law-abiding and civically engaged citizens for progress.
60. Citizenship involves both rights and responsibilities toward others.
Common Phases
1. Every
citizen has the right to vote.
2. He is a law-abiding
3. She became a naturalized
citizen last year.
Citizens pay taxes to their government.
5. The
citizens elected a new mayor.
6. The fund aims to help underprivileged
7. The responsible
citizen volunteers in the community.
Citizens protested against the unfair policies.
9. Immigration laws determine who can become a
10. Activists fight for the rights of underrepresented
Citizen involvement in politics is important for democracy.
12. Good
citizens obey the laws of the land.
13. The revolution was fought by
citizen soldiers.
Citizen journalism provides valuable information to the public.
15. The ambassador greeted the
citizens of the foreign nation.
16. The city government aims to improve the lives of its
17. Elections give
citizens a chance to have a say in government.
18. The government seeks to protect the welfare of its
Citizens must comply with the rule of law.
20. The senator had to answer to angry
citizens at the town hall.
21. The non-
citizen residents cannot vote in elections.
22. New
citizens take an oath of allegiance to the country.
23. Loyal
citizens rally behind the national team.
24. Senior
citizens receive discounts on certain goods and services.
25. The bill seeks to expand benefits for disabled
26. Many
citizens criticized the government's decision.
27. The emergency services help
citizens in times of need.
28. Young
citizens are the future of the nation.
29. Model
citizens adhere to the moral and behavioral norms of society.
30. The prime minister promised to improve the lives of working
31. As a responsible
citizen, I pay my taxes on time.
32. I felt proud to be a
citizen of such a great nation.
33. Global
citizens care about issues that affect people worldwide.
34. Good
citizens speak up against injustice.
35. Upright
citizens do the right thing even when no one is watching.
36. Female
citizens fought for their right to vote.
37. Active
citizens participate in solving community problems.
38. First-generation
citizens are born to immigrant parents.
39. All
citizens deserve equal protection under the law.
40. The country offered amnesty to illegal
citizen migrants.
41. The committee sought to improve
citizens' quality of life.
42. The foundation aims to empower underprivileged
43. Productive
citizens contribute to the economy.
44. The bill's supporters argue that it protects
citizens' freedoms.
45. The nation aspires to create opportunities for all its
46. The government has the duty to protect and serve its
47. Responsible
citizens call the police if they witness a crime.
48. The deportation endangered the lives of law-abiding
49. The mayor vowed to be the voice for all
citizens of the city.
50. The diplomat represented the interests of his country's
51. Second-generation
citizens are born to immigrant parents.
52. The park was built to provide recreation for local
53. Female
citizens faced many barriers to political participation.
54. Good
citizens respect the rights of others.
55. Many
citizens protested the unjust laws.
56. Patients are
citizens first and patients second.
57. The event aimed to build unity among diverse
58. The initiative sought to engage more young
citizens in politics.
59. City officials aim to improve living conditions for all
60. Responsible
citizens maintain public parks and facilities.