Citizens example sentences
Related (8): residents, natives, inhabitants, constituents, voters, nationals, denizens, taxpayers
citizens (plural noun)
- a person who belongs to a particular country, state, or commonwealth by birth or naturalization and has legally recognized rights and duties as a member of that entity:
- an inhabitant of a particular town or city:
subject, national, native, taxpayer, voter, inhabitant, resident, native, townsman, townswoman, householder, local, freeman, denizen, burgher, dweller, burgess, residentiary"Citizens" Example Sentences
1. All citizens have the right to vote in elections.
2. Good citizens pay their taxes and obey the laws.
3. Naturalized citizens have the same rights and duties as native-born citizens.
4. The mayor urged all citizens to vote in the upcoming mayoral election.
5. The government provides services and protection for all its citizens.
6. Citizens have the right to petition the government to address their grievances.
7. Civic duties and responsibilities enable citizens to participate in nation-building.
8. Military service is required of male citizens in some countries.
9. The country is governed for and by the consent of its citizens.
10. Voter registration is essential for citizens who wish to vote in elections.
11. All citizens deserve equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunities.
12. The citizens rejoiced at the victory of their Olympic team.
13. Citizenship confers both privileges and obligations on individuals.
14. Responsible citizens participate in community service and volunteer work.
15. Patriotic citizens support and defend the principles of their nation.
16. The protesters marched, demanding equal rights for all citizens.
17. Some citizens are unhappy with the current political leadership.
18. Law-abiding citizens help ensure the safety and security of their communities.
19. Government transparency builds trust among citizens.
20. Citizens rely on the police to maintain law and order in society.
21. Civic education prepares citizens for active participation in public life.
22. English serves as a common language among the diverse citizens of the nation.
23. Many citizens join Facebook groups to discuss issues affecting their communities.
24. Young citizens welcome opportunities for leadership development and public service.
25. The public demonstration brought citizens together in support of social change.
26. All citizens deserve high-quality education and healthcare.
27. Peaceful protests are a fundamental right of all citizens.
28. Many citizens donate money to charity organizations.
29. Senior citizens receive pension benefits from the government.
30. Citizen representatives are elected to local and national legislatures.
31. The draft requires select male citizens to perform compulsory military service.
32. Unemployed citizens often rely on social welfare programs for support.
33. The new citizenship law granted voting rights to more citizens.
34. The newly independent nation granted full citizenship to all its inhabitants.
35. Patriotic citizens honor the national flag and anthem.
36. Activist citizens campaign for social and political reforms.
37. Civil disobedience can be a form of protest by activist citizens.
38. The income tax helps fund services for all citizens.
39. The Consulate provides assistance to citizens living abroad.
40. Natural disasters often call for citizens to help one another.
41. The Minister of Home Affairs oversees issues related to citizenship.
42. The government has a duty to protect the basic rights of its citizens.
43. The constitution guarantees equal rights to all its citizens.
44. Productive citizens contribute to the economic growth of the nation.
45. The new citizens took the oath of allegiance at the citizenship ceremony.
46. The city council is directly elected by the local citizens.
47. Immigrants who meet certain requirements can become naturalized citizens.
48. The global citizens fundraised to help underprivileged children.
49. Every responsible citizen should pay their fair share of taxes.
50. The state department issued travel warnings to citizens planning trips abroad.
51. The President publicly thanked citizens for their contribution to society.
52. Wealthy citizens often donate large sums to charity organizations.
53. The Prime Minister promised better infrastructure and services for rural citizens.
54. The traffic rules apply equally to all types of citizens.
55. Citizens have a right to know how the government spends their tax money.
56. Good health and nutrition are essential for productive citizens.
57. Citizens exercise their democratic rights through free and fair elections.
58. Jury duty is an obligation required of some citizens.
59. The ambassador serves and protects the interests of citizens in the host country.
60. Unemployed citizens often rely on welfare and social programs for support.
Common Phases
1. The government has a responsibility to protect and serve its citizens.
2. All citizens have the right to vote in elections.
3. The town hall meeting was attended by concerned citizens who wanted to voice their opinions on the proposed development.
4. Good citizens pay their taxes and obey the laws.
5. Civic engagement and voting are responsibilities of good citizens in a democracy.
6. The citizens elected a new mayor in the last election.
7. The counterterrorism efforts were aimed at protecting innocent citizens.
8. The flag represents the unity and freedom of all American citizens.
9. Citizens demanded answers from their elected representatives.
10. The police force serves and protects the citizens of the city.
11. Citizens signed a petition asking for better public transportation options.
12. Emergency alerts are sent to warn citizens of impending natural disasters.
13. The new park was funded through donations from local citizens.
14. Public schools strive to educate all citizens regardless of background.
15. The foundation provides aid to underprivileged citizens.
16. All citizens have the right to freedom of speech and assembly.
17. Public health programs aim to improve the wellbeing of citizens.
18. Senior citizens receive discounts on goods and services.
19. Littering in public spaces shows a disregard for fellow citizens.
20. Undocumented immigrants are not considered citizens of the country.
21. The mayor greeted citizens lining the parade route.
22. As citizens, we have both rights and responsibilities.
23. The influx of refugees seeking asylum strained the resources of citizens and government.
24. Armed citizens took up posts to defend their town during the crisis.
25. City officials hosted a town hall meeting to address concerns of local citizens.
26. Foreign citizens require a visa before entering the country.
27. Naturalized citizens undergo an oath ceremony upon becoming citizens.
28. Volunteer citizens donated their time to help rebuild after the disaster.
29. Natural born citizens do not need to apply for citizenship.
30. Officials warned citizens to remain indoors due to hazardous conditions.
31. The relief supplies were delivered to citizens impacted by the storm.
32. Dissatisfied citizens took to the streets in protest.
33. The census works to accurately count all citizens residing in the country.
34. New programs aim to increase citizen engagement and participation in government.
35. Many citizens expressed gratitude to the first responders who aided in the rescue efforts.
36. Respect for the rights of fellow citizens is essential in a just society.
37. Citizens came together in a spirit of unity following the tragedy.
38. The bill of rights outlines fundamental rights that should be guaranteed to all citizens.
39. City services and infrastructure are funded through taxes paid by citizens.
40. Government officials serve at the pleasure of the citizens who elected them.
41. Authoritarian regimes seek to tightly control citizens and limit freedoms.
42. Hardworking citizens deserve safe neighborhoods and good schools.
43. Loyal citizens support and defend the Constitution.
44. Law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear from the police.
45. Entitled citizens demand more government services despite paying little in taxes.
46. Ideal citizens make positive contributions to their communities.
47. Conscientious citizens recycle, conserve resources, and help keep public spaces clean.
48. The influx of new citizens brought diversity and new perspectives to the nation.
49. Active citizen involvement is necessary for a healthy democracy.
50. Elderly citizens often feel isolated and would benefit from community outreach programs.
51. Good samaritan citizens risked their lives to help others during the disaster.
52. Foreign tourists and temporary residents are not considered citizens.
53. The highest levels of government exist to serve citizens, not the other way around.
54. Loyalty and patriotism should be hallmarks of model citizens.
55. Disenfranchised citizens live with little hope for change or improvement in their lives.
56. Heroic citizens received honors for their bravery during the rescue efforts.
57. Naturalized citizens often take citizenship just as seriously as those born citizens.
58. Vulnerable citizens rely on social services for assistance during hard times.
59. Elected officials swearing to serve the citizens is an important ceremony.
60. Responsible citizens donate blood to help others in need.
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