Clannish example sentences

Related (6): tribal, exclusive, insular, selective, close-knit, inward-looking.

"Clannish" Example Sentences

1. The clannish behavior of the residents made it difficult for outsiders to integrate.
2. Kevin was known for his clannish tendencies, always preferring to spend time with his family members.
3. The company's clannish management style often led to conflicts with other departments.
4. Living in a small town can be incredibly clannish, with everyone knowing each other's business.
5. The school's sports team was notoriously clannish, only accepting players who had grown up in the area.
6. Despite her efforts to be friendly, Sarah couldn't break through the clannish atmosphere of the social club.
7. The tight-knit community was known for its clannish approach to business, often preferring to work with family members.
8. The neighborhood association had a clannish feel to it, with the same families holding all the power.
9. The restaurant's regulars were a clannish group, always reserving their favorite tables and refusing to sit with outsiders.
10. The company's clannish hiring practices were a source of frustration for job candidates who didn't have family connections.
11. Even in the workplace, people can exhibit clannish behavior, forming cliques and excluding others.
12. Being part of a church can sometimes feel clannish, with the same families holding positions of power for generations.
13. The fraternity had a clannish atmosphere, with members fiercely protective of their brothers and unwilling to accept outsiders.
14. In some cultures, being clannish is seen as a positive trait, with family loyalty valued above everything else.
15. The small village was incredibly clannish, with everyone related to each other in some way.
16. The club's clannish rules made it difficult for new members to participate in events and activities.
17. Despite its reputation for being friendly, the town had a clannish mentality that outsiders found hard to penetrate.
18. The judge's clannish background raised concerns about impartiality in the courtroom.
19. The college's fraternities and sororities had a clannish vibe, with members forming close bonds with their brothers and sisters.
20. The service organization was accused of being clannish, with the same families holding leadership positions for years.
21. The clannish nature of the business community made it difficult for startups to break through and make a name for themselves.
22. Despite living in a diverse city, the neighborhood remained clannish, with people preferring to stick with their own kind.
23. The team's coach was accused of being clannish, only playing the athletes who were related to him or his friends.
24. The organization's clannish culture made it difficult for women and minorities to advance.
25. Mary's family was famously clannish, holding reunions and gatherings several times a year.
26. The country's political system was dominated by a clannish elite, with power concentrated in the hands of a few powerful families.
27. Despite her best efforts to be inclusive, the teacher couldn't break through the clannish behavior of her students.
28. The restaurant's patrons were a clannish group, always preferring to sit with their own families and friends.
29. In some cultures, being clannish can lead to conflict between different family groups and tribes.
30. The town's government was accused of being clannish, with elected officials only working with other members of their social circle.

Common Phases

1. Some people are naturally clannish;
2. I think this why some organizations can be very clannish;
3. I always feel like an outsider around clannish groups;
4. The clannish behavior of certain cultures can be intimidating;
5. Clannishness can be harmful in the workplace;
6. It's hard to break into a clannish social circle;
7. I wish people could be less clannish and more inclusive;
8. The exclusive and clannish nature of certain groups is off-putting;
9. Clannishness can be a barrier to progress;
10. The clannish tendencies of these people make it difficult for others to connect with them.

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