"Cleaving" Example Sentences
1. The axe cleaved the wood in two.
2. She cleaved the long bread loaf in half.
3. The rock was cleft from years of cleaving weather.
4. Her hands were cleaving together in nervous anxiety.
5. The glacier was slowly cleaving its path through the mountains.
6. His eyes were cleaving tears as he spoke of her death.
7. The cleaving blow from the sword cut him deeply.
8. The spear cleaved his armor and pierced his flesh.
9. The knife cleaved cleanly through the ripe tomato.
10. The iceberg slowly cleaved from the glacier.
11. The knife cleaved the red flesh of the apple.
12. The line between them seemed to be cleaving wider every day.
13. The rift between them kept cleaving wider and deeper.
14. The sow cleaved her piglets from her teats.
15. The surgeon cleaved the organ from its attachments.
16. The butcher cleaved the carcass down the middle.
17. The glacier cleaved huge boulders from the mountainside.
18. The storm winds had cleaved many tree limbs.
19. The stampede cleaved a wide path through the village.
20. The diver's spear cleaved the shark's side.
60 example sentences:
The blade cleaved through the air, finally coming to rest embedded in the post.
The sword cleaved the armor and flesh beneath with a single mighty blow.
The floodwaters were cleaving paths of destruction through the town.
The machete cleaved through the thick undergrowth with ease.
The surgeon cleaved tissue with his scalpel.
His splitting ax cleaved the log neatly in two pieces.
The sea cleaved the iceberg from the shelf.
The axe cleaved the air with a thick "whoosh".
The creature cleaved a path through the forest undergrowth.
They cleaved rocks from the mountainside.
The wedge cleaved the log apart.
Tears were cleaving tracks down her cheeks.
His words cleaved my heart in two.
The ship's prow cleaved waves as it sped through the ocean.
The dagger cleaved through his shirt and sliced his skin.
The tree cleaved by lightning.
The stone cleft by frost.
Their hands cleaved together as they prayed.
The glacier cleaved boulders from the mountainside.
The ship's sharp prow cleaved through the waves.
The knife cleaved cleanly through the steak.
The surgeon's scalpel cleaved though skin and tissue.
Her hand cleaved his as they watched the sunset.
His axe cleaved a path through the dense jungle.
The raven's beak cleaved the flesh of its prey.
The rock cleft open by centuries of weathering.
Grief was cleaving his heart with each beat.
The storm cleaved tree limbs from their trunks.
Common Phases
1. Cleave to the ground - Meaning to cling closely to the floor or earth.
2. Cleave the air - To cut through the air, as in swinging an axe or hatchet.
3. Cleave asunder - To split or divide violently apart.
4. Cleave in twain - To divide into two equal parts.
5. Cleave through - To force one's way vigorously through.
6. Cleave from - To separate or detach from something.
7. Cleave unto - To cling to emotionally or spiritually.
8. Cleave open - To split or rend open.
9. Cleave rocks- To split or fracture rocks using a tool or force.
10. Cleave through flesh - To cut deeply into flesh, as with a weapon.