Climates example sentences

Related (6): temperatures, precipitation, humidity, microclimates, climatologist, drought

"Climates" Example Sentences

1. Different plants prefer different climates.
2. Polar and tropical climates have the most extreme temperatures.
3. Desert climates are characterized by low rainfall.
4. Humid subtropical climates receive rainfall year round.
5. Mediterranean climates have hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters.
6. High mountain climates have lower temperatures and shorter growing seasons.
7. Rainforests thrive in warm, humid tropical climates.
8. Pine and fir forests grow well in temperate climates.
9. The Inuit have adapted to Arctic climates.
10. Some animals migrate to milder climates in the winter.
11. Permafrost is common in Arctic climates.
12. Scientists study how climates may change in the future.
13. Climates impact the types of wildlife that inhabit different regions.
14. Cities tend to have higher temperatures due to the urban heat island effect.
15. Tropical storms typically do not form in colder climates.
16. Certain types of diseases tend to thrive in warmer, more humid climates.
17. Many animal populations are sensitive to changes in climates.
18. Temperate climates experience four distinct seasons.
19. Monsoon rains occur in seasonal tropical and subtropical climates.
20. Hot springs are common in some mountain and volcanic climates.
21. Extreme climates present challenges for infrastructure and technology.
22. Some crop yields are more dependent on climatic conditions.
23. Climates influence human cultural and architectural developments.
24. Civilizations have arisen and fallen due to changes in climates.
25. Greenland's climate today is markedly cooler than in Viking times.
26. The harshest climates demand the toughest adaptations.
27. The earliest human settlements developed in mild climatic regions.
28. Extreme weather events may become more common in future climates.
29. Wind patterns and currents help define regional climates.
30. Air masses determine the characteristics of most climates.
31. Climatic conditions influence human diets and culinary traditions.
32. Climates affect the types of clothing that people wear.
33. Coastal climates tend to be more temperate than inland regions.
34. Seasonal climates typically undergo dramatic month-to-month changes.
35. Desert climates are amongst the most stable and predictable.
36. Hardiness zones are categorizations based on typical climatic conditions.
37. East and west facing slopes in mountainous regions can have different climates.

38. Moisture recycling patterns vary widely between climates.
39. Tropical cyclones occur most frequently in tropical and subtropical climates.
40. Deforestation can alter the temperatures and rainfall of regional climates.
41. Greenhouse gases are helping to create warmer climates globally.
42. Climate change may make some areas become unsuitable for agriculture.
43. Rising sea levels threaten low-lying coastal areas in many climates.
44. Scientists study the effects of climates on glacial formations and movement.
45. Animal populations adjust their behaviors according to seasonal climates.
46. At high elevations, climates transition rapidly over short distances.
47. Agriculture has shaped and been shaped by different climates over time.
48. Urban planners must consider projected climates when designing cities.
49. Desertification has turned once productive lands into arid climates.
50. Climate modeling helps predict how ecosystems may respond to new climates.
51. The introduction of new species can alter sensitive ecological climates.
52. Crop breeding focuses on increasing resilience to changing climatic conditions.
53. Water drainage and availability depends heavily on prevailing climatic factors.
54. Snow packs provide essential water reserves for warmer climates.
55. Air conditioning systems have enabled habitation in otherwise extreme climates.
56. Renewable energy generation is influenced by local weather and climatic patterns.
57. Pandemics can spread more quickly in warmer, more humid climates.
58. Land use planning considers climate adaptations over multigenerational timescales.
59. Technological innovations may help mitigate some effects of new climatic stresses.
60. Climate refugees may emerge from regions made unsuitable by extreme climates.

Common Phases

1. Extreme climates
2. Different climates
3. Various climates
4. Changing climates
5. Warm climates
6. Cold climates
7. Hot climates
8. Harsh climates
9. Adapting to climates
10. Temperate climates
11. Tropical climates
12. Desert climates
13. Coastal climates
14. Mountain climates
15. Future climates

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