Cloyed example sentences

Related (9): satiated, nauseated, glutted, full, stuffed, overindulged, overstuffed, overwhelmed, surfeited.

"Cloyed" Example Sentences

1. His desire for sweets had cloyed after eating too many candies.
2. The syrupy sweet scent of the roses cloyed her senses.
3. The perfume smelled cloyingly sweet.
4. The overabundance of sugary treats had cloyed her appetite.
5. The excessive flattery quickly cloyed his vanity.
6. Her fondness for expensive clothes and jewelry had cloyed over time.
7. The constant praise had cloyed him and lost its meaning.
8. His interest in the game had cloyed after playing it too much.
9. The sickly sweet fragrance of the flowers cloyed the air in the room.
10. Her excessive affections and attention had quickly cloyed him.
11. The excessively honeyed words of flattery cloyed her.
12. The sugary frosting on the cake was overly sweet and cloyed.
13. The satin ribbon felt cloyingly smooth.
14. The excessive sentimentality of the movie quickly cloyed him.
15. The rich chocolate cake tasted cloyingly sweet.
16. His enthusiasm for the subject had cloyed after years of study.
17. The overly sweet taste of the ice cream had quickly cloyed him.
18. The emotional lyrics of the song cloyed her senses.
19. The family's constant demands had cloyed his patience.
20. Her appetite for rich foods had cloyed after indulging too much.
21. Her fascination with politics had cloyed after the election.
22. His enjoyment of the role-playing game had cloyed after weeks of playing.
23. The boyfriend's cloying displays of affection had quickly turned her off.
24. The too sweet desert wine cloyed his palate.
25. She had grown weary of his cloying attentions.
26. The thick, heavy odor of the rose perfume quickly cloyed her.
27. The brightness and glitter of the gemstones quickly cloyed her.
28. The persistent begging of the child had quickly cloyed his goodwill.
29. The sheer volume of information quickly cloyed his interest in the subject.
30. Her enjoyment of vacationing at the tropical resort had cloyed after several trips there.
31. Her passion for adventure had cloyed after too many harrowing experiences.
32. The thick scent of perfume in the store cloyed his senses.
33. The mushy love song lyrics cloyed her ears.
34. His appetite for rich, spicy food had cloyed after overindulging.
35. The overabundance of compliments had cloyed her ego.
36. Her taste for sugary desserts had cloyed after overeating them.
37. His enthusiasm for the hobby had cloyed after doing it for too long.
38. The sticky sweetness of the candy cloyed his palate.
39. The girlfriend's cloying personality quickly turned him off.
40. The excessively flowery language of the poem cloyed her.
41. His enjoyment of extreme sports had cloyed after doing them for years.
42. The saccharine sweetness of the romance novel cloyed her senses.
43. His desire for money and material possessions had cloyed over time.
44. Her appetite for gossip had cloyed after hearing too much of it.
45. The sickly sweet scent of the perfume quickly cloyed her.
46. The embroidered lace felt cloyingly delicate.
47. His interest in exercise had cloyed after years of the same routines.
48. The savory, salty food helped clear his cloyed palate.
49. The cloying sweetness of the candy made her nauseous.
50. Her desire for recognition had cloyed after receiving too much praise.
51. His appetite for adventure had cloyed after years of travel.
52. The sickly sweet smell of the flowers cloyed the air in the room.
53. His devotion to his work had cloyed after decades on the job.
54. The excessively courteous behavior cloyed her.
55. The adoring looks and affectionate words from her admirer quickly cloyed her.
56. The story's overly sentimental tone quickly cloyed her interest.
57. The stickiness of the caramel cloyed his fingers.
58. The novel's mushy, sentimental scenes cloyed him.
59. Their constant demands for attention had quickly cloyed his goodwill.
60. The sticky sweetness of the dessert cloyed his palate.

Common Phases

1. The sweetness of the candy cloyed him quickly and he pushed it away.
2. He had cloyed on the luxuries and demanded even more lavish gifts.
3. Her flattery had at first seemed welcome but it soon cloyed him.
4. The constant praise cloyed her and she began to feel undeserving of it.
5. The endless stream of compliments began to cloy her and she longed for something more genuine.
6. After eating so much rich food, she had cloyed on it and wanted something lighter.
7. Their need for attention and reassurance quickly cloyed their friends and family.
8. I cloyed on pleasures easily and soon they lost their appeal.
9. After enjoying so much attention, his interest in people started to cloy and he became withdrawn.
10. The excess of riches and fame soon cloyed him and he longed for simplicity again.
11. The endless party had cloyed her and she craved some peace and quiet.
12. The sweet wine had cloyed his senses and dulled his mind.
13. His gluttonous habits had cloyed him and left him unsatisfied.
14. The extravagance of the lifestyle soon cloyed her and she wanted something more meaningful.
15. Her greedy nature quickly cloyed on any luxury gift and she always demanded more.
16. The constant socializing cloyed him and he yearned for solitude.
17. His appetite for power had eventually cloyed him and he retired from public life.
18. After being in the limelight for so long, he had cloyed on the attention and wanted anonymity again.
19. The amount of food and drink quickly cloyed them and they longed for something lighter.
20. The opulence of the surroundings soon cloyed her and she longed for simplicity again.
21. His love for carnal pleasures had cloyed him and left him unfulfilled.
22. The rich desserts had cloyed them and they longed for something fresh and wholesome.
23. The suite of lavish gifts cloyed her and she craved more meaningful tokens of affection.
24. His taste for extravagance quickly cloyed on any luxury gift and he always demanded more.
25. The constant flattery had eventually cloyed her and she longed for honesty and truth.
26. The excess of fine foods and wines had quickly cloyed them and they yearned for simpler fare.
27. The rich desserts had quickly cloyed her and she longed for something light and fresh.
28. His greed for wealth had eventually cloyed him and left him unfulfilled.
29. Her appetite for fame had eventually cloyed her and she retired from public life.
30. The richness of the food soon cloyed them and they craved something simpler and lighter.
31. The lavishness of the surroundings began to cloy her and she yearned for simplicity again.
32. The sweet treats had cloyed her appetite and she wanted something more wholesome to eat.
33. Their love of fine foods and rich living had eventually cloyed them and they longed for asceticism.
34. Her carnal desires had cloyed her and left her feeling empty inside.
35. The constant partying had eventually cloyed him and he yearned for solitude and peace.
36. His indulgent lifestyle had cloyed him and left him desiring more meaningful pleasures.
37. The endless extravagance of the surroundings soon began to cloy her and she longed for simplicity.
38. The opulence of the setting quickly cloyed them and they craved something simple and authentic.
39. Their lustful natures had eventually cloyed them and left them feeling unfulfilled.
40. The sweet wine had cloyed her senses and dulled her mind.
41. Her insatiable appetite for fame eventually cloyed even her and she retired from public life.
42. The amount of rich food had cloyed him and he yearned for something fresh and wholesome.
43. His gluttonous habits eventually cloyed him and left him unsatisfied.
44. The excess of wealth and luxury soon began to cloy her and she yearned for simplicity again.
45. The constant partying had cloyed them and they longed for solitude and peace.
46 The gifts had quickly cloyed her and she craved something more meaningful and authentic.
47. His appetite for power eventually cloyed even him and he retired from public politics.
48. The extravagance of the lifestyle quickly cloyed her and she desired a more authentic life.
49 The amount of rich food had quickly cloyed them and they yearned for something lighter and fresher.
50. The opulence of their surroundings soon began to cloy him and he longed for simplicity again.
51. The constant praise eventually cloyed her and she longed for honesty and truth.
52. His greed for wealth eventually cloyed even him and left him desiring fulfilment elsewhere.
53. The richness of the food and drink had soon cloyed them and they craved something simple.
54. Their love of fine things and rich living had eventually cloyed them and left them wanting asceticism.
55. Her appetite for attention and fame eventually cloyed even her and she retired from public life.
56. The extravagance of the surroundings soon began to cloy her and she longed for simplicity.
57. The indulgent lifestyle had eventually cloyed him and left him unsatisfied.
58. His carnal desires had cloyed him and left him feeling hollow inside.
59. The sweet delicacies had cloyed their appetites and they craved something fresh and wholesome.
60. Their greed had eventually cloyed them and left them feeling unfulfilled.

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