Clutters example sentences

Related (10): Mess, chaos, disorganization, disorder, jumble, muddle, litter, debris, oversupply, excess.

"Clutters" Example Sentences

1. The clutter in the living room made it difficult to walk around.
2. She couldn't focus on her work because of the clutter on her desk.
3. The clutter of toys piled up in the corner of the room was overwhelming.
4. It took her all weekend to clean out the clutter from her closet.
5. The clutter in the kitchen made it hard to find anything to cook for dinner.
6. He needed to clear the clutter from his mind in order to make a decision.
7. The cluttered bookshelves in the library were in need of organization.
8. Too many decorations can create clutter and make a room feel cramped.
9. The clutter of paperwork on her desk was enough to give her a headache.
10. It's best to declutter your home regularly to avoid unnecessary clutter buildup.
11. The clutter of unread emails in her inbox was getting out of hand.
12. Her phone's cluttered home screen made it hard to find the app she needed.
13. The clutter of dishes in the sink signaled it was time to do the dishes.
14. Too much furniture in a room can create clutter and make it feel small.
15. The clutter of wires behind the TV was a safety hazard.
16. She threw away all of the clutter in her purse to make it easier to find her things.
17. The clutter of clothes on the floor made the room look messy.
18. The cluttered garage made it difficult to find tools when they were needed.
19. The clutter of files on her computer desktop slowed her computer down.
20. The clutter of empty water bottles in the car needed to be cleaned out.
21. He needed to clear the clutter from his schedule in order to have more free time.
22. The clutter of people in the waiting room caused a hectic environment.
23. Too many knick-knacks can create clutter and make a room feel cluttered.
24. She couldn't find her keys in the clutter of items on the counter.
25. The clutter of weeds in the garden needed to be pulled to make room for new plants.
26. The clutter of dishes on the table after dinner needed to be cleared away.
27. The clutter of makeup on the bathroom counter made it hard to get ready in the mornings.
28. The clutter of books on the nightstand made it difficult to find her alarm clock.
29. She realized that clearing the clutter from her mind helped reduce stress.
30. The clutter of random items in the junk drawer needed to be sorted and organized.

Common Phases

1. My desk is a mess with all these clutters; I need to clean it up.
2. His speech was full of clutters; it was difficult to understand what he was saying.
3. The closet was overflowing with clutters; I had to donate some clothes.
4. The room was cluttered with old furniture; we decided to redecorate.
5. The kitchen counter was cluttered with dirty dishes; we needed to do the dishes.
6. The hallway was cluttered with shoes and bags; we needed to organize it.
7. I had too many clutters in my mind; I needed to meditate to clear my thoughts.
8. The garage was cluttered with tools and equipment; we needed to put everything in its place.
9. My inbox is cluttered with emails; I need to sort through them.
10. The living room was cluttered with toys and books; we needed to tidy up before guests arrived.

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