Cober example sentences

Related (9): cover, uncover, recover, discover, hover, lover, sober, broader, porcelain.

"Cober" Example Sentences

1. The cober is the perfect cover for my old sofa.
2. I need to get a new cober for my bicycle seat.
3. The cober of the book was torn, so I had to use tape to fix it.
4. We bought a cober for our barbecue to protect it from the elements.
5. The cober of my car's spare tire was missing, so I had to order a new one.
6. I love the colorful cober on this journal.
7. The cober of my tablet case is starting to peel off.
8. A cober can help keep your phone safe from scratches and cracks.
9. The cober of my passport was damaged during my travels.
10. She wrapped her cober tightly around her shoulders to keep warm.
11. The cober of the speaker was cracked, so the sound quality was affected.
12. The cober of the piano keys was made of ivory.
13. The cober of this notebook has a beautiful floral design.
14. The cober of the light switch was loose and needed to be tightened.
15. The cober of the coffee mug was so hot that I burned my fingers.
16. We put a cober on the pool to keep out leaves and debris.
17. The cober of the DVD case is cracked, but the disc is still playable.
18. She couldn't find the cober to her Tupperware container.
19. The cober of the pen was chewed up by the dog.
20. They added a cober to the air conditioning unit to make it blend in with the wall.
21. The cober on the air vent was missing, so we had to tape over it to keep bugs out.
22. A cober over your keyboard can help protect it from spills and dust.
23. The cober on the boat's motor was loose, so they had to tighten it before taking off.
24. I put a cober over my hair to protect it from the rain.
25. The cober of the file folder was torn, so I had to throw it away.
26. The cober of the light fixture was too difficult to remove, so we left it as is.
27. He used a cober to protect his face from the flying debris.
28. The cober of the camera lens was scratched, affecting the quality of the photos.
29. The cober on the ladder was slippery, making it difficult to climb.
30. We need to replace the cober on the vinyl siding to match the color of the house.

Common Phases

1. Let's cober up with a blanket.
2. The car is cobered in mud.
3. She cobered her face with a scarf to avoid the cold.
4. The cake is cobered in frosting and sprinkles.
5. The roof was cobered with shingles.
6. He tried to cober up his mistake with a lie.
7. The birds cobered the sky with their wings.
8. The furniture cobered the entire room.
9. The paint cobered the walls beautifully.
10. The floor was cobered in a soft, plush carpet.

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