Cognizers example sentences

Related (5): consciousness, perception, awareness, recognition, comprehension

"Cognizers" Example Sentences

1. Cognizers process information differently based on their experiences.
2. Some cognizers have a better memory for faces than others.
3. The study aimed to investigate the differences between cognizers and non-cognizers.
4. Cognizers tend to be more analytical in their thinking processes.
5. The cognitive abilities of cognizers and non-cognizers were compared in the study.
6. Cognizers may have a greater capacity to learn new information quickly.
7. The research suggests that cognizers have a unique way of interpreting the world around them.
8. The study aimed to determine whether there was a correlation between personality type and cognizers.
9. Some people may be natural cognizers, while others develop their cognitive abilities through training.
10. The research aimed to identify the different types of cognizers and their characteristics.
11. Cognizers may be able to process information faster than non-cognizers.
12. The study found that cognizers were more likely to solve complex problems quickly and efficiently.
13. Cognitive psychology investigates the mental processes of cognizers.
14. The researchers used brain imaging techniques to study the neural pathways of cognizers.
15. Cognizers may have a greater ability to focus their attention on tasks than non-cognizers.
16. The study aimed to identify the neural substrates of cognitive processes in cognizers.
17. Some cognizers may have enhanced sensory perceptions compared to non-cognizers.
18. The research found that cognizers tend to be more introspective and self-aware.
19. Cognizers may have a greater capacity for abstract reasoning and creativity.
20. The study explored the relationship between cognitive processes and language development in cognizers.
21. The researchers found that cognizers were better equipped to deal with complex social situations.
22. Some cognizers may experience synesthesia, where their senses overlap and mix.
23. Cognizers may have a greater capacity for metacognition and understanding their own thought processes.
24. The study aimed to identify the cognitive mechanisms that underlie decision making in cognizers.
25. Cognizers may be more likely to engage in critical thinking and problem-solving.
26. The research suggests that cognizers may have a better ability to learn new languages.
27. The study compared the cognitive processes of bilingual cognizers and monolingual cognizers.
28. Cognizers may have a better understanding of the nuances and complexities of language.
29. The researchers found that cognizers tended to have a stronger sense of self and identity.
30. The study aimed to identify the cognitive processes that allow cognizers to adapt to new and changing environments.

Common Phases

you have questions?
can you clarify that?
let me think about it;
I'm not sure I understand;
that makes sense;
can you give me more details?
I'm having trouble processing this;
let me review my notes;
I need more information;
I need to do some research;
that's a good point;
I see what you mean;
let me double-check that;
I'm not convinced;
that's intriguing;
I have a different perspective;
let me consider all the options;
that's a valid argument.

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