Cohere example sentences

Related (10): adhere, stick, unite, blend, merge, coalesce, integrate, harmonize, synchronize, cooperate

"Cohere" Example Sentences

1. The arguments fail to cohere into a convincing whole.
2. His rambling speech failed to cohere into any clear message.
3. The parts fit together and cohere into a well-designed machine.
4. The theories cohere with one another to build a comprehensive model.
5. The facts cohere to form a compelling narrative.
6. The various strands of ideas cohere to form a coherent philosophy.
7. The fragments of pottery cohere to reveal the shape of the ancient vessel.
8. The pieces finally started to cohere, and I began to understand the larger picture.
9. The ideas in the chapter cohere with the overarching principles laid out earlier.
10. The events of the past week finally cohered to make sense.
11. The disparate claims failed to cohere into a valid argument.
12. The particles of dust began to cohere under the influence of static electricity.
13. Her account of events failed to cohere with the facts known to investigators.
14. The particles of water began to cohere into droplets as condensation formed.
15. The parts of clay cohere under the sculptor's hands to become a work of art.
16. The random thoughts began to cohere into a coherent essay.
17. The members of the team began to cohere as a single functioning unit.
18. The new evidence helped the old facts cohere into a clear timeline.
19. The lyrics and melody finally cohere to form a complete song.
20. The scattered notes began to cohere into a research paper.
21. The stories cohere with over a century of observed phenomena.
22. His poetry fails to cohere around any central themes or images.
23. The numbers refuse to cohere in any systematic way.
24. The pieces of glass finally began to cohere into a mosaic under the artist's eye.
25. The sounds began to cohere into words and then sentences.
26. The random particles began to cohere under the influence of surface tension.
27. His speech failed to cohere into any consistent message or thesis.
28. The beads refused to cohere on the string no matter how tightly he pulled it.
29. The beads of water began to cohere into droplets on the cold windowpane.
30. The plan finally begins to cohere after weeks of discussions.
31. The constituent parts begin to cohere to form a composite whole.
32. The theory fails to cohere with observable scientific data.
33. The pictures begin to cohere to form a consistent narrative.
34. His claims refuse to cohere with the known facts.
35. The apparently random notes began to cohere into a recognizable melody.
36. Her early stories failed to cohere around any discernible themes.
37. The notes cohere to form a comprehensible musical phrase.
38. The facts began to cohere into a coherent timeline of events.
39. His fragmented thoughts refuse to cohere into any meaningful statement.
40. The particles of dust begin to cohere under the influence of Van der Waals' forces.
41. The facts finally began to cohere to reveal the mystery.
42. The particles began to cohere into ice crystals at subzero temperatures.
43. The random marks on the page began to cohere into recognizable words.
44. The disparate accounts fail to cohere into a consistent story.
45. The beads of water began to cohere and form larger droplets.
46. The theories fail to cohere among themselves in any systematic way.
47. The account at last begins to cohere with corroborating evidence.
48. His argument fails to cohere logically with its stated premises.
49. The sounds finally begin to cohere into distinguishable words and phrases.
50. The dust particles begin to cohere and cling together.
51. The puzzle pieces finally start to cohere into a recognizable image.
52. The bricks and mortar finally begin to cohere to form the wall.
53. His claims fail to cohere with one another in any rational way.
54. The molecular particles begin to cohere into a solid crystal.
55. The parts cohere to form a smooth-running and efficient system.
56. The disparate claims fail to cohere into any kind of overall argument.
57. The droplets begin to cohere into larger rivulets of dew.
58. The pieces finally began to cohere to reveal the artist's true intentions.
59. The variables refused to cohere into any kind of useful formula.
60. The beads of dew began to cohere into larger drops on the leaf.

Common Phases

1. The evidence seems to cohere into a coherent picture of events.
2. The data and facts collected so far appear to cohere and point to a singular explanation.
3. His argument lacks coherency and fails to cohere into a logical thesis.
4. His rambling commentary did not cohere into a coherent position or thesis.
5. The parts did not cohere into a unified whole.
6. The competing narratives did not cohere into a singular history of those events.
7. The facts and data at our disposal do no seem to cohere into a clear picture.
8. The strands of the conspiracy theory failed to cohere into a convincing narrative.
9. His thoughts did not cohere into a logical argument.
10. The various pieces of the puzzle failed to cohere into a complete picture.
11. The evidence will cohere to form a persuasive case.
12. The fragments cohered into a pattern that revealed the underlying truth.
13. His beliefs fail to cohere in a meaningful or logical way.
14. The ideas did not cohere into a unified theory.
15. The witness accounts seem to cohere with the physical evidence.
16. All of the facts seem to cohere and point to the same conclusion.
17. His ideology fails to cohere with reality.
18. Their story coheres with the known facts.
19. The ideas in the essay do not cohere into a coherent thesis.
20. The anecdotes did not cohere into any meaningful narrative.
21. The seemingly disparate details cohered to reveal a larger pattern.
22. The various pieces of information cohere to form a consistent story.
23. The conflicting viewpoints failed to cohere into a unified vision.
24. Their accounts do not cohere with one another.
25. The shards of information began to cohere into a recognizable shape.
26. The witness accounts failed to cohere into a consistent timeline of events.
27. The facts slowly began to cohere and reveal the larger story.
28. As more data emerged, the story began to cohere into a clearer picture.
29. The facts fail to cohere into a coherent narrative.
30. The witness accounts seemed to cohere and corroborate one another.
31. The disparate pieces of evidence cohered to strengthen the case against the suspect.
32. The details began to cohere and point to a singular explanation.
33. The evidence cohered into an undeniable case against the defendant.
34. The facts all seem to cohere and support my initial hypothesis.
35. The witness accounts failed to cohere with the physical evidence.
36. As more information became available, the story began to cohere into a compelling narrative.
37. The facts at our disposal simply do not cohere into a coherent story.
38. The evidence seems to cohere in support of the prosecution's case.
39. His ideas fail to cohere in any logical or meaningful way.
40. The pieces of the puzzle finally cohered into a recognizable image.
41. The data began to cohere and reveal the underlying pattern.
42. The witness accounts failed to cohere with one another.
43. The facts simply do not cohere into a coherent story.
44. The details began to cohere and point to a singular suspect.
45. His various beliefs fail to cohere into a unified ideology.
46. The pieces began to cohere to reveal the larger picture.
47. The witness accounts cohered to reveal a chronology of events.
48. The evidence gathered so far appears to cohere into a convincing theory of the crime.
49. The facts and figures seem to cohere and point to a single cause.
50. The witness accounts failed to cohere into a consistent narrative.
51. The data appears to cohere in support of the theory.
52. As more evidence emerged, the facts began to cohere into a coherent story.
53. The data fails to cohere in any meaningful way.
54. The anecdotal evidence does not cohere into a sensible story.
55. The facts seem to cohere into a compelling case against the suspect.
56. The facts at our disposal fail to cohere into a coherent narrative.
57. The witness accounts failed to cohere and thus undermined the state's case.
58. The details began to cohere and point to one singular suspect.
59. The facts began to cohere to form an undeniable picture.
60. His ideology fails to cohere with fact or reason.

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