Colon example sentences

"Colon" Example Sentences

1. The colon separates the two main clauses in the sentence.
2. The recipe calls for one cup of flour: two teaspoons of baking powder.
3. A colon is typically used to introduce a list, definition, quote, or example.
4. The team packed numerous supplies: food, water, tents, and first aid kits.
5. The list of demands consisted of three items: reduced work hours, higher pay, and better benefits.
6. He had one goal: to reach the summit of the mountain.
7. Approximately 20,000 species of plants: from orchids to oak trees, create life in the Amazon rainforest.
8. The student asked many questions: How long? How far? When will we arrive?
9. The colonist faced many challenges: disease, poor crops, and attacks by Native Americans.
10. There were two problems: not enough volunteers and no funding.
11. The professor's explanation was simple: too simple, some thought.
12. The explorers came prepared: equipped with specialized gear and plenty of food rations.
13. The church service included three elements: a hymn, a reading, and a sermon.
14. According to the dictionary, decimate means: to destroy a large proportion of.
15. His only instructions were twofold: be on time and be prepared to work hard.
16. They had these options: wait, call for help, or try to fix it themselves.
17. The instructions read as follows: mix all ingredients in a large bowl.
18. She presented her ideas succinctly: first, improve marketing; second, hire more staff.
19. We faced two challenges: a shortage of parts and an approaching deadline.
20. Her preparations were thorough: she packed a tent, sleeping bag, and warm clothing.
21. The speaker began: "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears."
22. These qualities described a good leader: honesty, integrity, and vision.
23. The recipe called for the following ingredients: flour, baking powder, eggs, and oil.
24. His speech consisted of three basic points: state the facts, make the argument, and call for action.
25. The article provided two examples: the possibility of life on Mars and recent exoplanet discoveries.
26. Their demands were short and clear: lower taxes, more autonomy, and an end to overregulation.
27. The impossible task was challenging yet simple: find true happiness within.
28. The crew faced two dilemmas: not enough fuel and failing navigation equipment.
29. The doctor wrote the following instructions: take two pills twice daily with food.
30. wet the paper towel, wipe down the surface, and let air dry.
31. The requirements for graduation were straightforward: pass all courses and complete the capstone project.
32. The list of demands read as follows: living wage, paid sick leave, and shorter hours.
33. The soldier's orders were succinct: advance at 0500, engage the enemy, and hold the position.
34. The class notes defined rhetorical questions as follows: questions used to make a point rather than to elicit information.
35. Her only wish was simple: that her children would lead happy, fulfilled lives.
36. The doctor gave clear instructions: reduce salt intake, exercise regularly, and take new medication daily.
37. The task seemed overwhelming yet straightforward: translate centuries-old texts into modern English.
38. The engineer's instructions provided comprehensive details: dimensions for each part, recommended materials, and steps for assembly.
39. The ancient proverb stated the following: knowledge is power, but wisdom is peace.
40. The study found two results: a clear link between vitamin D and healthy bones and hearts.
41. They faced one hurdle: not enough trained surgeons.
42. The recipe called for the following: 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, and 2 eggs.
43. The directions were straightforward: fold in the dried fruit, bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes, and let cool completely.
44. The doctor had two theories: either an infection or an allergic reaction.
45. The demanding client had four specific requests: lower price, faster delivery, more features, and better support.
46. His manifesto provided a straightforward goal: a more just and equitable world.
47. The three steps were simple: measure carefully, mix thoroughly, and bake at the proper temperature.
48. The news report listed two fatalities: a mother and her teenage daughter.
49. The instructions were clear: locate the data file, retrieve the requested information, and email a summary report.
50. The conclusion was evident: less sugar and more exercise would improve my health.

Common Phases

1. The colon between these two clauses signals that what follows explains or expands on what precedes.
2. His face turned serious: the game was almost over.
3. Use a colon after an independent clause to introduce a list of items.
4. separating independent clauses, introducing a list, and preceding a direct quotation.
5. The pitchers were dominant: they allowed only three runs all game.
6. His choices were clear: move forward or give up.
7. The options were simple: order the pizza or cook dinner.
8. She listed her needs: food, water, and shelter.
9. The ingredients were inexpensive: flour, eggs, and butter.
10. He made two decisions: quit his job and sell his belongings.
11. The class requirements were minimal: attendance, an essay, and the final exam.
12. The ballot included three initiatives: funding schools, raising minimum wage, and legalizing marijuana.
13. The recipe called for: salt, olive oil, and garlic.
14. The job posting outlined necessary qualifications: a college degree, five years of relevant experience, and strong communication skills.
15. She read the quote aloud: "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
16. The professor said: "Work hard and pay attention."
17. His only response was: "We'll see."
18. The lawyer announced: "The trial will begin tomorrow."
19. The colon allows for clarity in longer sentences by separating introductory material from the main clause.
20. A colon introduces an element or a series that illustrates or elaborates on the meaning of the first part of the sentence.
21. The team leader spoke with confidence: they would succeed.
22. After much thought, she concluded: it was time to move on.
23. I was faced with a choice: stay or walk away.
24. My friends advised: take a chance, what have you got to lose?
25. The expedition required meticulous planning: acquiring all necessary permits, packing essential supplies, and researching optimal routes.
26. Her goals for the new year were ambitious: finish her degree, change jobs, and travel internationally.
27. The doctor delivered the heartbreaking news: the surgery had been unsuccessful.
28. The announcement spread quickly: the war was over at last.
29. The debate raged on for hours: whether to expand the program or cancel it altogether.
30. The warning was clear and direct: failure to comply would result in severe consequences.
31. The coach gave a rousing speech: we can and we will win this game.
32. The report revealed disturbing facts: poverty rates had increased while wages remained stagnant.
33. The presenter outlined three main issues: climate change, waste management, and water scarcity.
34. The lesson focused on three crucial concepts: chance, risk, and probability.
35. His demands were non-negotiable: no exceptions, no delays, and no excuses.
36. The menu offered: salads, sandwiches, and soups.
37. The terms of the agreement were set: payment in full within 30 days, no refunds, and free repairs within the first year.
38. In the essay, he argued: war achieves nothing but human suffering and loss.
39. I wrote down my goals for the year: finish my novel, save $10,000, and travel to Europe.
40. The note explained: I won't be in class today but will catch up when I return tomorrow.
41. The senator proclaimed: it is time for change!
42. She opened her speech with: my fellow citizens.
43. The user manual outlined basic instructions: turning the device on and off, charging the battery, and connecting to WiFi.
44. The preacher thundered: repent, for the end is nigh!
45. Her final words to me were: be brave, follow your heart.
46. According to the forecast: rain is likely for the next two days.
47. I stipulated three conditions: flexibility, a living wage, and work-life balance.
48. She gave three warnings: do not disturb, do not touch, and do not interrupt.
49. The principal objective was clear: improve test scores, whatever it takes.
50. His parting words were wise: live simply, love genuinely, work diligently.
51. The presenter declared: innovation is the key to survival.
52. The politician promised: change is coming.
53. They outlined their demands: higher pay, better benefits, shorter hours.
54. The memo listed important reminders: back up your files, change your password, and update your contact info.
55. The team's main concerns were: lack of funding, insufficient resources, and little support.
56. The instructions were clear and concise: scan the barcode, insert cash, and select options.
57. The email notified: your package will arrive later than expected.
58. The podium speech concluded with: May God bless America.
59. The director proclaimed enthusiastically: we will make cinema history!
60. The alarm warned: danger, evacuate immediately.

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