Columna example sentences
Related (4): column, pilar, soporte, post
"Columna" Example Sentences
1. The columna vertebralis or spinal column is a crucial part of the human body.2. The columna periodística or newspaper column is an important platform for sharing opinions.
3. The Temple of Roma and Augustus in Ankara features a tall and impressive columna.
4. The columna de hierro or iron column in Delhi has stood for over 1600 years without rusting.
5. The columna salomonis or solomonic column is a type of twisted column popular in Renaissance architecture.
6. The columna angularis is a feature of the stomach that separates the body and fundus from the antrum.
7. The columna trajana or Trajan's Column in Rome commemorates Emperor Trajan's victory over the Dacians.
8. The Greco-Roman-style columna luiziana or Louisiana column located in New Orleans is a popular tourist attraction.
9. The columna basal is a specialized bundle of cells in plants that are responsible for root growth.
10. The columna ventralis is a layer of cells in the spinal cord that are responsible for motor control.
11. The columna de la independencia or Angel of Independence is a monument in Mexico City that symbolizes Mexican independence from Spain.
12. The columna vaginalis is a muscular structure in females that supports the uterus and contributes to sexual arousal.
13. The columna cervicalis or cervical vertebrae support the head and allow for rotation and flexion of the neck.
14. The columna medialis is the innermost layer of kidney tissue, where urine is produced.
15. The columna trajanopolis or Trajan's Column in modern-day Adamklissi, Romania is a replica of the original monument in Rome.
16. The columna lumbalis or lumbar vertebrae are the five largest and strongest vertebrae in the spinal column.
17. The columna vertebralis is comprised of 33 individual vertebrae including the sacrum and coccyx.
18. The columna romana or Roman column is a decorative pillar that has been used in architecture for thousands of years.
19. The columna de los caídos or Valley of the Fallen is a controversial monument erected in Spain during the Franco regime.
20. The columna fuscata is a species of snake that is native to Japan and parts of China and Korea.
21. The columna de los coyotes or Coyote Column in Mexico City marks the spot where the first known Nahua uprising against Spanish rule took place.
22. The columna dorsal is a layer of neurons in the spinal cord that transmit sensory information.
23. The columna solis or Solar Column in Beirut, Lebanon was erected to commemorate the centennial of the Lebanese state.
24. The columna vertebralis serves as protection for the spinal cord and allows for the movement and support of the body.
25. The columna greca or Greek column is characterized by a fluted shaft, capital, and base.
26. The columna spinalis is divided into five regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.
27. The columna rostral is located at the front of the brainstem and is involved in sensory and motor functions.
28. The columna cervicalis derives its name from the Latin word cervix, meaning neck.
29. The columna de la victoria or Victory Column in Berlin, Germany commemorates the Prussian victory in the Danish-Prussian War.
30. The columna vertebralis is integral to the support and movement of the body, making it an important structure for physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Common Phases
1. Mi columna vertebral está adolorida.2. Se sienta con la columna recta.
3. La columna de periódicos es impresionante.
4. La columna de noticias causó conmoción en el país.
5. Se necesita reforzar la columna del edificio.
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