"Commandment" Example Sentences
1. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." is a commandment from the Bible.
2. The Ten Commandments are some of the most well-known commandments in history.
3. The first four commandments focus on man's relationship with God.
4. "Honor thy father and thy mother" is the fifth commandment.
5. "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the Ten Commandments.
6. "Thou shalt not steal" is the seventh commandment.
7. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" is a biblical commandment.
8. "Honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy" is an important Judaic commandment.
9. Islam also has five pillars that serve as commandments for Muslims.
10. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is the golden rule and a moral commandment.
11. Teachers give commandments to students in the form of rules and guidelines.
12. The captain gave strict commandments to the crew before setting sail.
13. The king issued a royal commandment that all citizens must report for duty.
14. The president signed an executive commandment to raise the minimum wage.
15. The general issued commandments to his troops before the battle.
16. The judge gave the defendant a list of commandments they must follow during parole.
17. The coach relayed important commandments to the team before the championship game.
18. The parent's commandment was that their children must be home by curfew.
19. The host gave clear commandments to the houseguests before leaving town.
20. The police issued a commandment that all vehicles must pull over.
21. Commandments provide structure, order and guidelines for living peacefully.
22. The parent's loving commandment was to always tell the truth.
23. The boss issued stern commandments about being on time and meeting deadlines.
24. The cult leader gave members strict commandments to follow at all times.
25. The guru issued commandments for his disciples to follow on the path to enlightenment.
26. Commandments stem from authority, wisdom, and a desire for good.
27. Some see commandments as restrictions while others see them as protections.
28. Wisdom lies in knowing which commandments are worth following and which can be broken.
29. Leaders give commandments to ensure order, safety and progress.
30. Freedom lies in obeying wise commandments and breaking foolish ones.
31. Following commandments requires sacrifice, discipline and self-restraint.
32. Breaking commandments often results in guilt, shame and punishment.
33. Unwise commandments can snuff out joy, curiosity and human connection.
34. Wise commandments cultivate virtue, faithfulness and community.
35. The soldier's duty is to obey reasonable commandments without question.
36. Tradition and ritual rest on upholding centuries-old commandments.
37. Wise commandments stand the test of time; foolish ones fade away.
38. Young people sometimes rebel against the commandments of their parents.
39. Commandments deprive us of choice but they also relieve us of burden.
40. There is nobility in those who submit to higher commandments.
41. Freedom lies not in breaking commandments but in choosing our own.
42. All commandments should ultimately serve love and compassion.
43. Our highest duty is to universal commandments: truth, justice and love.
44. Commandments without conscience prove empty and oppressive.
45. Without commandments, society would descend into chaos.
46. The meaning of commandments lies not in following rules but in higher purpose.
47. Some commandments exist to simply test our obedience.
48. The disciples asked Jesus which were the greatest commandments.
49. All commandments should emanate from love, not fear.
50. Religion gives us eternal commandments, life gives us circumstantial ones.
51. Commandments guide us but they cannot replace wisdom and good judgment.
52. We owe our children wisdom, not just commandments.
53. Insight lies in seeing beyond the letter of commandments to their spirit.
54. Commandments exist to cultivate virtue, not control.
55. Commandments without compassion become dead law.
56. The first commandment is to thine own self be true.
57. Our highest allegiance lies not with earthly commandments but heavenly ones.
58. We must learn to discern the false commandments from the true.
59. We honor commandments not by following them blindly but by understanding their purpose.
60. Commandments aim to make us brave, just and loving - not mere obedient subjects.
Common Phases
1. Break a
commandment - To disobey or go against a
2. Go against a
commandment - To disobey or violate a
3. The
commandment stands - When a
commandment remains in effect and is still valid.
4. Ten
Commandments - The 10 commands believed given by God directly to Moses on Mount Sinai.
5. Keep the
commandments - To obey and follow the
6. Golden rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Considered a moral
7. A strict
commandment - A very firm and rigorous
commandment that allows no exceptions.
Commandments against -
Commandments that prohibit or forbid something.
Commandments to -
Commandments that require or encourage something.
10. Higher
commandments - Moral or universal
commandments considered most important.