Common example sentences

Related (10): frequent, ordinary, typical, prevalent, usual, customary, widespread, universal, ubiquitous, standardized.



common (adjective) · commoner (comparative adjective) · commonest (superlative adjective)

  - occurring, found, or done often; prevalent:

  - (of an animal or plant) found or living in relatively large numbers; not rare:

  - denoting the most widespread or typical species of an animal or plant:

  - ordinary; of ordinary qualities; without special rank or position:

  - (of a quality) of a sort or level to be generally expected:

  - of the most familiar type:

  - shared by, coming from, or done by more than one:

  - belonging to, open to, or affecting the whole of a community or the public:

  - belonging to two or more quantities.

  - showing a lack of taste and refinement; vulgar:

  - (in Latin and certain other languages) of or denoting a gender of nouns that are conventionally regarded as masculine or feminine, contrasting with neuter.

  - (in English) denoting a noun that refers to individuals of either sex (e.g. teacher).

  - (of a syllable) able to be either short or long.

  - (of a crime) of relatively minor importance:

  - a piece of open land for public use, especially in a village or town:

  - (in the Christian Church) a form of service used for each of a group of occasions.


usual, ordinary, customary, habitual, familiar, regular, frequent, repeated, recurrent, routine, everyday, daily, quotidian, standard, typical, conventional, stock, stereotyped, predictable, commonplace, mundane, wonted, widespread, general, universal, popular, mainstream, prevalent, prevailing, rife, established, traditional, traditionalist, orthodox, accepted, unusual, rare, ordinary, normal, typical, average, unexceptional, plain, simple, general, collective, nonspecific, inclusive, broad, comprehensive, blanket, umbrella, sweeping, universal, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, specific, familiar, popular, usual, everyday, customary, conventional, established, unknown, abstruse, collective, communal, community, public, popular, general, shared, joint, combined, private, individual, collective, communal, community, public, popular, general, shared, joint, combined, private, individual, uncouth, vulgar, coarse, rough, unsavory, boorish, rude, impolite, unladylike, ungentlemanly, uncivilized, unsophisticated, unrefined, philistine, primitive, savage, brutish, oafish, gross, lowly, low, inferior, humble, ignoble, proletarian, plebeian, plebby, slobbish, cloddish, clodhopping, baseborn, refined, noble

"Common" Example Sentences

1. Cancer is a common disease.
2. English is the most common language spoken worldwide.
3. Brown eyes are more common than blue eyes.
4. It's common to feel nervous before an interview.
5. Children commonly throw temper tantrums at that age.
6. Car accidents are unfortunately very common.
7. A common cold is caused by a virus.
8. Cats are a common domesticated pet.
9. It's common practice to arrive early.
10. Error messages are fairly common when using computers.
11. I asked a common sense question.
12. We have many common interests.
13. That's a common misconception.
14. We selected the common denominator to calculate the ratio.
15. He had a common last name like Smith or Johnson.
16. We met at our common favorite coffee shop.
17. The common folk rejected the king's oppressive taxes.
18. The tomatoes were infested with a common garden pest.
19. English ivy is a common ground cover.
20. Goldfish are a very common aquarium fish.
21. Crows are a common sight around here.
22. A bunny rabbit is very common as a child's first pet.
23. City sidewalks are commonly made of concrete.
24. Children's temper tantrums are more common at a certain age.
25. Chorus songs are commonly used for school assemblies.
26. Villages commonly have a town square or center.
27. Fear of public speaking is a very common phobia.
28. Soup is commonly served with crackers or bread.
29. Common salt is composed of sodium and chlorine.
30. Antidepressants are commonly prescribed for depression.
31. Coffee breaks are common during the workday.
32. We shared many common experiences growing up.
33. He used common sense to solve the problem.
34. It's common knowledge that the Earth revolves around the sun.
35. She made a common mistake on the test.
36. The widow shared her common loss with others.
37. I have a common interest in sports and music.
38. Having yawning fits is quite common when tired.
39. We share many common values and goals.
40. Acne is common during the teenage years.
41. Her comment was rather common and unoriginal.
42. Mowing the lawn is a common weekend chore.
43. The flu shot is commonly given in the fall.
44. Head colds are very common in the winter months.
45. Public parks are a common place for exercise.
46. Forgetfulness is more common as we age.
47. Common household cleaners can be dangerous.
48. A toothache is a common cause of pain.
49. Spiders and insects are very common indoors.
50. Prizes are commonly given for raffle drawings.
51. The mountains formed a common backdrop in all of the paintings.
52. Complaints about the weather are very common.
53. Her honesty was uncommon but her cruelty was all too common.
54. They share a common thread of dissatisfaction.
55. A common goal united the team.
56. The twins have many commonalities but distinct differences as well.
57. The common factor made all the equations solvable.
58. Their common ancestry was apparent in their facial features.
59. They found common ground and were able to compromise.
60. There are many common human experiences that unite us all.

Common Phases

1. Common sense
This refers to basic judgment and practical knowledge that almost everyone has.
2. Common ground
When two parties find common ground, they find something they agree on that can help bring them together.
3. Run of the mill
Something that is run of the mill is ordinary and commonplace.
4. Common knowledge
Common knowledge refers to facts or information that are generally known.
5. Have in common
When two or more people or things have something in common, they share a similar trait or characteristic.
6. Come to a common understanding
When two parties come to a common understanding, they reach the same interpretation or perspective on something.
7. Common mistake
A common mistake is an error that many people frequently make.
8. Common goal
A common goal is an aim or objective that is shared by two or more people.
9. Get along famously
When two people get along famously, they become very good friends in a way that seems unusual.
10. By and large
By and large means generally speaking and is typically used to describe something that is true most of the time, though not always.

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