Communion example sentences

Related (5): Eucharist, sacrament, fellowship, sharing, unity

"Communion" Example Sentences

1. They celebrated communion during Sunday service.
2. The church held a special communion service on Easter Sunday.
3. Catholics believe that during communion, the bread and wine literally become Christ's body and blood.
4. During the communion liturgy, the priest invites all baptized Christians to partake in the sacrament.
5. After the sermon, the congregation observed the sacrament of communion.
6. During communion, the pastor invited those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries to come forward.
7. Anglicans typically celebrate communion at least once per month during their regular Sunday morning worship services.
8. Communion is an important practice that unites believers through the ritual sharing of bread and wine.
9. The act of communion symbolizes unity with Christ and each other as members of his body, the church.
10. The houses of worship were virtually empty on Sundays due to the lack of communion.
11. They deeply valued the spiritual communion experienced through weekly worship.
12. Communion services are meant to be a time for reflection, forgiveness, and communion with God.
13. The bread and wine used for communion were blessed consecrated before being served to the congregation.
14. The sacrament of communion is rich in symbolism, pointing to Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
15. Through the act of breaking and sharing bread, communion fosters fellowship among believers.
16. They experienced communion with God through prayer, meditation, and quiet contemplation.
17. Christians express unity through the communal act of sharing communion.
18. During communion, the pastor serves the elements of bread and wine to each congregant in turn.
19. The ritual of communion evokes feelings of grace, mercy, community, and shared faith.
20. Partaking in communion together has a unifying effect on congregants of different backgrounds and experiences.
21. The prayers, hymns, and liturgy during communion invite spiritual reflection and communion with the divine.
22. Communion acts as a visual aid, reminding believers of the sacrifice Christ made on their behalf.
23. Many congregants received communion for the first time after being baptized.
24. The cleansing power of communion renewed their spirits and refreshed their souls.
25. They established communion with God through silence, song, and contemplative prayer.
26. Communion is an act of thanksgiving for God's reconciling work through Christ's death and resurrection.
27. Across denominational lines, communion serves as the primary ritual that unites Christians.
28. They enjoyed deep spiritual communion through meaningful conversations, shared stories, and listening without judgment.
29. Celebrating communion together helps foster a sense of belonging and fellowship among members.
30. She found communion with God through reading scripture, listening to worship music, and meditating outdoors.
31. The deacons prepared the elements and linens used during communion each week.
32. They observed a solemn and reverent communion service on Good Friday.
33. Baptists typically only serve communion once per quarter during special services.
34. During communion, the altar is adorned with flowers and candles to create a sacred space.
35. Partaking in communion fulfills Jesus's command to his disciples to share bread and wine in remembrance of him.
36. Communion allows them to spiritually feed on Christ's sacrifice and redemptive work.
37. As the bread and wine were blessed and shared, they felt uplifted by the communion with each other and with God.
38. They experienced a sense of spiritual communion through shared labor, music, storytelling, and simple conversation.
39. Celebrating communion together reinforces their shared values, mission, and identity as a community of faith.
40. They had a rare spiritual communion that transcended words and differences.
41. The hymns and prayers during communion filled the cathedral with a sense of reverence and communion.
42. They established communion with nature through long walks, solitude, and quiet observation.
43. Spiritual communion with God nourishes their inner being and revives their weariness.
44. Christ's transformative presence is made real to believers through the sharing of communion.
45. Through communion, believers receive spiritual nourishment and are united to Christ's redeeming work.
46. Communion allows them to participate in the divine life and be spiritually fed and strengthened.
47. Partaking in communion together strengthens their fellowship and sense of community.
48. They established communion through joint labors, shared tales, and listening with understanding.
49. The congregation shared in communion and worship each week as a way to nurture their faith and relationships.
50. They experienced existential communion through nature's beautiful sights and sounds.
51. The words spoken during the communion liturgy invite spiritual meditation and refreshment of the soul.
52. Communion fulfilled their need for spiritual nourishment and divine connection with Christ.
53. The simplicity of the sacrament of communion belies its depth of meaning and spiritual power.
54. Communion brought them face to face with Christ's redemptive work and God's transformative grace.
55. The warm candlelight and organ music helped usher them into a state of spiritual communion during the service.
56. Communion with nature helped foster spiritual communion with the divine for those who believed in God.
57. Partaking in communion bonds them together as members of Christ's body, the church.
58. The ringing church bells called the congregation together in spiritual communion on Sunday mornings.
59. They experienced divine communion through listening to sacred music, scripture study, and meditation.
60. Receiving communion nourished their souls and filled them with God's reviving grace.

Common Phases

1. They partook of communion together every Sunday.
2. She felt a sense of spiritual communion with nature during her walk in the woods.
3. The priest presided over communion for the congregation.
4. They shared a deep sense of human communion with each other.
5. The sign of peace during communion filled the church with warmth and fellowship.
6. Partaking in communion made her feel closer to God.
7. They prayed together before communion as a community of believers.
8. On his deathbed, he longed for the spiritual communion of friends and family.
9. They felt a deep communion of souls through their shared love of music.
10. Communion brought the church members together as one body in Christ.
11. The intimate communion of marriage had eluded her thus far in life.
12. Their daily walk together was one of spiritual communion and peace.
13. The priest distributed the bread and wine during the communion rite.
14. The bread and cup were blessed before communion began.
15. They shared a silent spiritual communion too deep for words.
16. Through music, they found spiritual communion that transcended borders.
17. Preparing oneself for communion was an important part of the ritual.
18. The act of communion symbolized their unity in Christ.
19. Their communion was brief but powerful.
20. Together, we experienced divine communion beyond measure.
21. The fellowship, love, and spiritual communion during communion strengthened their faith.
22. He longed for communion with his Maker.
23. Through art, a communion of souls was awakened between them.
24. They pondered in spiritual communion the mysteries of life.
25. During communion, she felt deeply connected to Christ and his Church.
26.The breaking of bread during communion was a sacred time for them.
27. They shared a spiritual communion through prayer.
28. He found peace and communion with nature during his walks.
29. Communion filled her soul with light and hope.
30. The time of communion was one of reverent joy.
31. He participated in communion every Sunday with his church family.
32. They meditated in spiritual communion as the sun set.
33. The ritual of communion brought meaning and depth to their faith.
34. The bread and cup of communion were passed among them.
35. They knew the deepest spiritual communion in prayer together.
36. The act of communion unified them in spirit and purpose.
37. Through literature they discovered a communion of souls.
38. His soul longed for communion with the divine.
39. The time of communion was one of great grace and blessing.
40. They sat in silent spiritual communion for hours.
41. Communion with nature nourished his soul.
42. A deep communion permeated their very beings.
43. They sang hymns together during communion.
44. She found spiritual communion with God through art.
45. The communion wafers tasted sweet to her soul.
46. Through communion, they become one body in Christ.
47. The church members gathered around the altar for communion.
48. Their souls found communion in a moment of shared silence.
49. Thoughts of divine communion filled his mind.
50. Deep spiritual communion eluded mere words.
51. During communion he felt drawn into the very heart of Christ's love.
52. He valued the spiritual communion with his church family.
53. Silent contemplation led to spiritual communion between them.
54. Their conversation was a communion of souls.
55. She sought spiritual communion through prayer and meditation.
56. Receiving communion stirred his soul.
57. Through art they discovered a spiritual communion that transcended cultures.
58. He felt a deep spiritual communion with nature.
59. The ritual of receiving communion nourished his soul.
60. Their spiritual communion comforted and inspired him.

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