Compostn example sentences

Related (2): composting, compostable

"Compostn" Example Sentences

1. The compost pile in my backyard has been breaking down nicely over the past few weeks.
2. I need to add more compost to my vegetable garden to improve the soil.
3. Turning the compost regularly helps it decompose faster.
4. Composting is a great way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil.
5. Our city has a composting program to divert organic waste from landfills.
6. The compost bin was overflowing with leaves, grass clippings, and food scraps.
7. You can buy bags of compost at most garden centers and nurseries.
8. My neighbor makes her own compost tea to use as a natural fertilizer for her plants.
9. The compost heap smelled a little funky, but that's normal.
10. We mixed the compost into the top layer of soil before planting our tomatoes.
11. Composting is a simple and effective way to reduce your carbon footprint.
12. Vermicomposting uses worms to help break down organic waste into compost.
13. I dug the compost into the soil with a garden fork before planting new flowers.
14. Composting requires a good balance of nitrogen-rich "green" materials and carbon-rich "brown" materials.
15. The compost bin had attracted a lot of fruit flies, so we added some dry leaves to absorb the moisture.
16. My kids love helping me toss kitchen scraps into our compost bucket.
17. The compost was still too wet and smelled sour, so we added some shredded paper to help balance it out.
18. We covered our compost pile with a tarp to keep it from getting too wet during a rainy spell.
19. Composting can be done on any scale, from small home composters to large commercial operations.
20. The compost we made from our kitchen scraps and yard waste was perfect for our herb garden.
21. We added some crushed eggshells to the compost to provide some extra calcium for our plants.
22. Composting is a great way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfills.
23. I used a pitchfork to turn the compost and mix in some air.
24. The city collects yard waste for composting and turns it into mulch for residents to use.
25. We added a layer of compost to our raised beds before planting our vegetables.
26. Composting saves money on trash pickup and fertilizer costs.
27. The compost pile was steaming in the morning sun, a sign that it was breaking down quickly.
28. We sifted our compost to remove any large chunks and make it easier to spread.
29. The compost bin had attracted some rodents, so we added some wire mesh to keep them out.
30. Composting is a natural and sustainable way to improve soil fertility and plant health.

Common Phases

1. Composting reduces household waste;
2. Composting promotes healthy soil;
3. Composting is a sustainable practice;
4. Composting helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
5. Composting transforms organic waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer;
6. Composting is easy and inexpensive;
7. Composting can be done on a small scale;
8. Composting is a great way to support local agriculture;
9. Composting improves the overall health of ecosystems;
10. Composting is a form of natural recycling.

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