Computerate example sentences

Related (5): computer, automate, data, software, technology

"Computerate" Example Sentences

1. I am quite computerate and can handle any task given to me.
2. It is important for employees to be computerate in today's digital age.
3. She struggled with the new system since she was not very computerate.
4. His computerate skills helped him to secure a job in the tech industry.
5. The new employee had to undergo training to become computerate.
6. Children these days are becoming increasingly computerate from a young age.
7. Those who are not computerate may have difficulty finding job opportunities.
8. I wonder if being computerate will become a prerequisite for many jobs in the near future.
9. Being computerate is not just a desirable skill, it's an essential one.
10. The company provided resources to help their employees become more computerate.
11. The old professor was not very computerate and required assistance with technology.
12. Her computerate skills allowed her to work remotely and efficiently.
13. The company hired a computerate consultant to help with their tech infrastructure.
14. It is important for older adults to develop computerate skills to stay connected with the world.
15. He proposed that the school adopt a computerate curriculum to better prepare students for the digital world.
16. She was praised for her computerate abilities by her boss.
17. I noticed that most job postings require candidates to be computerate.
18. Many people are intimidated by technology and avoid becoming computerate.
19. My aunt enrolled in a computerate course to learn the basics.
20. The company offered computerate employees the chance to work from home.
21. Being computerate is an essential skill in today's workforce.
22. My grandfather was hesitant to become computerate but eventually learned how to use a tablet.
23. She took a break from work to become more computerate and learn new programs.
24. The student's computerate abilities helped him in his school project.
25. The company's HR department conducted a computerate test during the hiring process.
26. The older generation can benefit from becoming computerate and staying connected to their loved ones.
27. I realized I needed to become more computerate when I struggled with a basic software program.
28. The new hire was hired for their computerate expertise and programming skills.
29. The company invested in computerate technology to streamline their processes and improve efficiency.
30. She had to list her computerate abilities in her resume to showcase her skills and experience.

Common Phases

you need assistance in using your computerate skills?
I am not very computerate.
She is highly computerate and can solve all your technical difficulties.
In today's world, being computerate is a must.
I am constantly trying to improve my computerate abilities.
Many jobs require employees to be computerate.
Being computerate can make daily tasks much easier.
If you are not computerate, there are resources available to help you learn.
I am confident in my computerate abilities.
Technology is constantly evolving, so it is important to stay computerate.

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