Conducement example sentences

Related (10): facilitation, guidance, encouragement, motivation, persuasion, inducement, influence, inspiration, stimulation, impetus

"Conducement" Example Sentences

1. The manager's conducement of the team was crucial to their success.
2. The teacher's conducement of the classroom created a positive learning environment.
3. The coach's conducement of the players was strict but effective.
4. The CEO's conducement of the company led to an increase in profits.
5. The conductor's conducement of the orchestra was precise and exacting.
6. The politician's conducement of the campaign was flawed and ultimately unsuccessful.
7. The doctor's conducement of the surgery was skilled and careful.
8. The parent's conducement of their child's behavior was inconsistent.
9. The project leader's conducement of the group ensured that deadlines were met.
10. The supervisor's conducement of the staff addressed issues quickly and professionally.
11. The researcher's conducement of the study was thorough and meticulous.
12. The artist's conducement of the painting created a beautiful masterpiece.
13. The chef's conducement of the kitchen produced delicious meals.
14. The judge's conducement of the trial ensured fairness and justice.
15. The musician's conducement of the concert inspired the audience.
16. The architect's conducement of the building design was innovative and functional.
17. The engineer's conducement of the project ensured safety and efficiency.
18. The salesperson's conducement of the pitch convinced the client to make a purchase.
19. The writer's conducement of the story kept the readers engaged.
20. The therapist's conducement of the session helped the patient make progress.
21. The coach's conducement of the workout routine improved the team's physical fitness.
22. The manager's conducement of the budget prevented overspending.
23. The supervisor's conducement of the meeting kept everyone on task.
24. The teacher's conducement of the lesson plan covered all necessary topics.
25. The mentor's conducement of the relationship provided guidance and support.
26. The director's conducement of the film created an engaging storyline.
27. The designer's conducement of the project produced a visually stunning result.
28. The recruiter's conducement of the hiring process selected the most qualified candidates.
29. The organizer's conducement of the event ensured its success.
30. The entrepreneur's conducement of the business endeavored to create a societal benefit.

Common Phases

1. The conducement of the investigation was thorough and well-organized; all the evidence was carefully gathered and analyzed.
2. The company's conducement of business ethics training was successful in promoting a culture of transparency and honesty among its employees; instances of fraud and corruption significantly decreased.
3. The government's conducement of the election was praised by international observers for being peaceful and fair; voter turnout was high and there were no reports of major irregularities.
4. The teacher's conducement of the classroom environment was effective in fostering a positive learning experience for students; they were engaged, motivated, and respectful towards each other.
5. The coach's conducement of the team's training and strategy sessions was instrumental in their success during the season; they ended up winning the championship.

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