Confinement example sentences

Related (16): isolation, quarantine, imprisonment, internment, captivity, custody, restriction, restraint, detainment, seclusion, incarceration, detention, sequestration, embargo, blockade, lockdown

"Confinement" Example Sentences

1. The confinement in the prison was unbearable for the inmates.
2. During the lockdown, many people struggled with the confinement of staying at home.
3. The doctor advised a confinement period of two weeks after the surgery.
4. The bird's confinement in the small cage was cruel.
5. The astronaut was trained to handle confinement for long periods of time in space.
6. The cat appeared uncomfortable with the confinement of the carrier on the plane.
7. Many animals suffer from stress and anxiety when in confinement.
8. The prisoner felt an overwhelming sense of relief after his confinement was over.
9. The patient's confinement in the hospital allowed for proper recovery.
10. The confinement of emotions can lead to negative mental health consequences.
11. The monk's spiritual journey included confinement in solitude.
12. The pandemic brought about an unexpected confinement of the entire world.
13. The student's academic performance was affected by the confinement of online learning.
14. The confinement of the ship's passengers during a storm was necessary for their safety.
15. The butterfly's confinement in the jar was temporary for observation purposes.
16. The singer's confinement to her label caused frustration and creative limitations.
17. During the war, many individuals endured confinement in concentration camps.
18. The fictional character's confinement in an attic made for a captivating storyline.
19. The athlete's injury caused a much-needed confinement period to allow for proper healing.
20. The confinement of the jewelry in a locked safe ensured security.
21. The confinement of the circus animals caused outrage and calls for animal rights.
22. The prisoner's attempt to escape confinement was unsuccessful.
23. The zoo's efforts to improve animal welfare included expanding their habitats to decrease confinement.
24. The quarantine confinement was necessary to prevent the spread of disease.
25. The artist found inspiration in the confinement of his studio.
26. The soldier's confinement to the barracks limited his freedom, but ensured discipline.
27. The hostage's confinement in the basement was a terrifying experience.
28. The politician's confinement to a hotel room during a conference was a demanding experience.
29. The prisoner's confinement was the result of a mistake in the legal system.
30. The monk's confinement in a small cell allowed him to focus on his spiritual path.

Common Phases

1. During confinement, I rediscovered my love for reading; I read more books than I ever had before.
2. Home confinement has been difficult, but it's given me more time to pursue my hobbies; I've been able to learn a new instrument and bake bread from scratch.
3. The confinement measures have limited our interactions with others; we've been video chatting with friends and family more often to stay connected.
4. While in confinement, I've learned the importance of routine; sticking to a schedule has helped me maintain structure and productivity throughout the day.
5. The confinement has forced us to get creative with our workouts; we've been doing yoga at home and going for runs in our neighborhood to stay active.

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