"Confluently" Example Sentences
1. She spoke so confluently that everyone was impressed.
2. The two rivers confluently flowed into the lake.
3. The team worked confluently to finish the project on time.
4. He danced confluently with the music.
5. The speech was delivered confluently, without any pauses or hesitations.
6. The colors in the painting blended confluently.
7. The birds sang confluently in the early morning.
8. The traffic on the highway moved confluently towards the city.
9. The choir sang confluently, creating a beautiful harmony.
10. The dancers moved confluently in their synchronized routine.
11. The skiers glided confluently down the mountain slope.
12. The words flowed confluently from her pen onto the paper.
13. The orchestra played confluently, creating a mesmerizing sound.
14. The waves crashed confluently onto the shore.
15. The actors recited their lines confluently, carrying the emotion of their characters.
16. The cars merged confluently onto the highway.
17. The art pieces blended confluently in the gallery exhibit.
18. The athletes moved confluently in their team sport.
19. The waterfalls cascaded confluently down the rocky terrain.
20. The conversation flowed confluently, as if they had known each other for years.
21. The children played confluently together at the park.
22. The wind chimes sounded confluently with the breeze.
23. The singers harmonized confluently, creating a beautiful melody.
24. The branches intertwined confluently in the dense forest.
25. The snowflakes fell confluently, covering the ground in a blanket of white.
26. The fountain sprayed confluently, creating a soothing sound.
27. The brushstrokes merged confluently in the oil painting.
28. The words of the poem flowed confluently from her lips.
29. The light and shadow blended confluently in the photograph.
30. The gymnasts moved confluently through their routine, earning a perfect score.
Common Phases
1. The ideas flowed
confluently from one to the next; each building on the last.
2. The streams
confluently merged together, forming a powerful and impressive river.
3. The multiple lanes of traffic moved
confluently, resulting in a smooth and efficient commute.
4. The voices of the choir blended
confluently, creating a beautiful harmony of sound.
5. The colors on the canvas blended together
confluently, creating a stunning and cohesive piece of art.