Congregationalists example sentences

Related (6): protestants, puritans, Calvinists, non-denominational, evangelical, independent

"Congregationalists" Example Sentences

1. The Congregationalists built a new church in town.
2. Many Congregationalists believe in the autonomy of each local church.
3. The Congregationalists settled in the area in the late 1700s.
4. The Congregationalists have a long history of social activism.
5. The Congregationalists have a strong tradition of congregational governance.
6. The Congregationalists often participate in ecumenical efforts.
7. Congregationalists prioritize education and learning in their faith.
8. Some Congregationalists follow a more liberal interpretation of Christianity.
9. The Congregationalists trace their roots back to the English Reformation.
10. Congregationalists emphasize the importance of individual spiritual experiences.
11. Congregationalists are known for their religious tolerance and acceptance of diversity.
12. The Congregationalists in America played a significant role in the abolitionist movement.
13. The Congregationalists in New England have a distinctive form of church architecture.
14. Many famous theologians and pastors have been Congregationalists throughout history.
15. Congregationalists often have a strong focus on community involvement and service.
16. The Congregationalists have had a significant impact on American religious and cultural history.
17. Congregationalists believe in the priesthood of all believers.
18. Many Congregationalists participate in interfaith dialogue and cooperation.
19. Congregationalists hold the Bible as their central authority in matters of faith and practice.
20. Congregationalists value simplicity in worship and religious practices.
21. The Congregationalists played a key role in the founding of Harvard University.
22. Congregationalists place a strong emphasis on social justice and activism.
23. The Congregationalists were one of the earliest Christian denominations to ordain women.
24. Some Congregationalists practice adult baptism, while others baptize infants.
25. Congregationalists believe that each church should be autonomous and self-governing.
26. The Congregationalists have a rich tradition of hymnody and music in their worship.
27. Congregationalists have often been at the forefront of progressive social movements.
28. The Congregationalists have had a significant impact on the development of American democracy.
29. Many Congregationalists were involved in the Underground Railroad during the Civil War.
30. Congregationalists today continue to be active in social justice causes and progressive movements.

Common Phases

1. Congregationalists believe in the autonomy of local churches; they do not have a central governing body.
2. Many Congregationalists are known for their strong commitment to social justice; they have a long history of activism and advocacy.
3. Congregationalists place a heavy emphasis on individual discernment; each member is encouraged to seek their own understanding of scripture and faith.
4. One defining characteristic of Congregationalists is their congregational polity; each church is self-governed by its members.
5. Congregationalists have a rich history in the United States; many of the first settlers were members of Congregationalist churches.
6. Though Congregationalists share certain beliefs and practices, there is a great deal of diversity within the denomination; each church is unique.
7. Many Congregationalist churches have embraced LGBTQ rights and same-sex marriage; they have been at the forefront of social change within Christianity.
8. Congregationalists are known for their strong sense of community; many churches place great value on fellowship and mutual support.

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