"Conquering" Example Sentences
1. He had dreams of conquering the world.
2. Alexander the Great spent years conquering territories across Asia.
3. Genghis Khan united nomadic tribes and set out on a campaign of conquering most of Eurasia.
4. Fearless leaders throughout history have sought glory by conquering new frontiers.
5. The Aztecs built their empire through continuously conquering neighboring tribes.
6. Napoleon conquered much of Europe during his campaigns.
7. She fought through her fear and anxiety, conquering inner obstacles.
8. They set out on a mission of conquering Mount Everest.
9. The superhero spent his days conquering evil villains.
10. The warrior set out on a quest, conquering dragons and evil creatures.
11. They had ambitious goals of conquering the tech industry.
12. After conquering sales hurdles, she set her sights on marketing challenges.
13. She faced her fears head on, conquering one obstacle at a time.
14. Their biggest challenge was conquering the language barrier.
15. He set out to conquer the seven summits, climbing the highest mountain on each continent.
16. The all-girls coding team set their sights on conquering an AI challenge.
17. Through conquering self-doubt, she gained the confidence to pursue her dreams.
18. After conquering the Rubicon river, Caesar and his army began conquering Gaul.
19. Their winning strategy involved conquering customer objections one by one.
20. He spent years conquering his addiction through willpower and self-discipline.
21. The ancient warriors set out on a quest of conquering the seas.
22. She conquered the stage with her mesmerizing performance.
23. They developed an action plan for conquering new markets this year.
24. Britain spent centuries conquering and colonizing much of the world.
25. The team set ambitious goals of conquering the industry.
26. He set out to make a name for himself by conquering the high seas.
27. The general was known for his brilliance in strategizing and conquering enemies on the battlefield.
28. After years of setbacks, he finally conquered his greatest fear.
29. The players set their sights on conquering the league title.
30. Each challenge she conquered gave her the confidence to take on the next.
31. They developed strategies for conquering the competition.
32. She conquered her stage fright through relentless practice.
33. The ancient civilization spent centuries conquering neighboring tribes.
34. Through conquering self-doubt and perfectionism, she began to make real progress.
35. The startup set out to revolutionize the industry by quickly conquering much of the market.
36. The business expanded rapidly by quickly conquering new territories.
37. He set out to conquer the world, waging war against any kingdom that opposed him.
38. The ambitious startup CEO had dreams of conquering Silicon Valley.
39. By systematically conquering hurdle after hurdle, her dreams slowly became reality.
40. They wanted to make a name for themselves by conquering the tallest mountains.
41. The empire rose to power through continually conquering neighboring kingdoms.
42. Genghis Khan spent decades conquering much of Eurasia during the Mongol expansion.
43. After years of challenges, she finally conquered her fear of public speaking.
44. The company planned to revolutionize the industry by quickly conquering major markets.
45. The superhero spent years seeking justice by conquering villains and saving the world.
46. They set ambitious goals of rapidly conquering major markets.
47. Through confronting and conquering fears, she gained a tremendous sense of confidence.
48. Their primary strategy for growth involved rapidly conquering new territories.
49. He spent years conquering his perfectionism in order to finally begin creating.
50. She conquered her anxiety through daily exposure and practice.
51. The company expanded internationally by quickly conquering major European markets.
52. The startup hoped to revolutionize the industry through rapidly conquering several key categories.
53. They sought fame and glory by embarking on a quest to conquer unknown seas.
54. The boxer conquered all his toughest opponents on his way to the championship.
55. She spent years conquering self-doubt in order to finally pursue her dreams.
56. He set out to conquer the world through peace and diplomacy rather than violence.
57. The ancient warrior spent his youth conquering all manner of beasts and creatures.
58. The start up CEO had dreams of conquering the tech industry through innovation and disruption.
59. The hero set out on a lifelong quest of conquering evil and bringing justice to the world.
60. Through conquering obstacle after obstacle, her dreams slowly came to life.
Common Phases
conquer one's fears
He conquered his fears and finally pursued his dreams.
conquer inner demons
She worked hard at
conquering her inner demons and achieving inner peace.
be bent on
Alexander was bent on
conquering the known world.
embark on a campaign of
Genghis Khan embarked on a long campaign of
conquering Asia.
conquer new frontiers
Early explorers set out to conquer new frontiers and discover unknown lands.
conquer new territories
The army set out to conquer new territories and expand the empire.
set out to conquer
Napoleon set out to conquer all of Europe.
make a name for oneself by
Early explorers hoped to make a name for themselves by
conquering unknown lands.
be engaged in
The nation was engaged in
conquering foreign lands for many years.
rise to power through
The empire rose to power through
conquering neighboring kingdoms.
spend years
Alexander spent years
conquering territories across Asia.
systematically conquer
They systematically conquered hurdle after hurdle to achieve their goals.
conquer hurdles one by one
She conquered each hurdle one by one until she achieved success.
conquer through
She conquered her anxiety through daily practice and exposure.