Conqueror example sentences

Related (10): warrior, victor, champion, ruler, master, leader, emperor, vanquisher, dominator, subjugator.

"Conqueror" Example Sentences

1. Alexander the Great is remembered as a great conqueror who built a vast empire.
2. Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes swept across Eurasia, conquering many lands and earning him the title of conqueror.
3. Hannibal is considered one of the greatest military leaders and conquerors in history.
4. Julius Caesar was an ambitious Roman general and statesman who later became dictator and conqueror of Gaul.
5. Napoleon Bonaparte was a French general and statesman who conquered much of continental Europe in the early 19th century.
6. As a conqueror, Napoleon crowned himself emperor of France in 1804.
7. Attila the Hun was a ruler of the nomadic Hunnic tribes and military conqueror who invaded Eastern and Western Europe.
8. Tamerlane, also known as Timur or Timurlane, was a Turco-Mongol conqueror and founder of the Timurid Empire in Central Asia.
9. Saladin, a Muslim Kurdish general and sultan, conquered most of the crusader states in the late 12th century.
10. Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" has influenced conquerors and military strategists for centuries.
11. At the time of Queen Elizabeth I , England saw itself as an emerging naval and commercial power rather than a European conqueror.
12. As a conqueror, the pharaoh built many temples and monuments to glorify himself.
13. As a conqueror, Cortés defeated the Aztec civilization and conquered Mexico for Spain.
14. William the Conqueror gained his title by successfully invading and conquering England in 1066.
15. The pharaoh wanted to be remembered as a great conqueror and builder rather than just a ruler.
16. The conqueror oversaw the construction of many great temples across the ancient kingdom.
17. The Zulu king Shaka is remembered as a warrior, military strategist and conqueror in southern Africa.
18. The Romans were known as much for their engineering feats as for conquering foreign lands.
19. Genguis Khan aimed to be remembered not just as a fierce conqueror but also as a great lawgiver.
20. Cortés succeeded as a conqueror through a combination of force, cunning and exploiting divisions within Aztec society.
21. The young conqueror gave his generals wide authority to administer the newly conquered kingdoms.
22. The king styled himself as a fearless warrior and great conqueror on his coinage and monuments.
23. As a conqueror, he was ruthless towards those who resisted his rule but generous to those who surrendered.
24. Like many conquerors, he had a greed for land, wealth and power that was never satisfied.
25. Ibn Khaldun's work distinguished between desert dwelling conquerors and urbanized rulers who readily adopted the customs of those they conquered.
26. As a conqueror, the sultan used a policy of divide and rule to maintain control over his multiethnic empire.
27. The king's propaganda portrayed him as a fearless warrior and great conqueror, but many of his supposedly glorious military campaigns ended in stalemate.
28. As a young conqueror, he was known for his clemency towards defeated enemies but later became increasingly brutal.
29. For all his ambition and success as a conqueror, his empire did not long survive his death.
30. The king enjoyed portraying himself as a fearless warrior and great conqueror, though in reality he spent little time on the battlefield.
31. The conqueror battled for years to subdue the tribes of the region and bring them under his rule.
32. The mighty conqueror oversaw the construction of great monuments and wonders during his long reign.
33. Although the king pursued glory as a warrior and conqueror, he preferred to leave most of the actual fighting to his generals.
34. The mighty conqueror united a vast territory encompassing diverse peoples and cultures.
35. As a conqueror the pharaoh loved to portray himself as a great warrior but most of his military victories were won by his generals.
36. At its height the empire encompassed many diverse peoples united only by subordination to the will of the mighty conqueror.
37. Many of the brutal tactics employed by the young conqueror softened as he grew older.
38. The young conqueror's early victories were built upon strategic brilliance and cunning rather than sheer force of numbers.
39. Though widely praised as a great conqueror and military genius, he came to power through treachery, assassination and civil war.
40. As a young conqueror he enjoyed the vigorous life of campaigning but as he aged he grew to dislike leaving the comforts of his palace.
41. The great conqueror claimed that his ambition was to spread civilization, not merely to gain land and wealth.
42. Over time many of the young conqueror's military reforms and administrative innovations were reversed or neglected by his successors.
43. Although known as a conqueror, the pharaoh's great achievements lay more in the building of monuments than on the battlefield.
44. Even as a young conqueror, his ambitions were tempered with pragmatism and a desire for long-term stability over short-term gain.
45. The mighty conqueror brought prosperity to most of the regions under his rule for a time, but his successors squandered his achievements.
46. For many the figure of the all-conquering warrior embodies the pinnacle of manhood and power, yet history reveals a more complex reality.
47. The mighty conqueror's building projects were meant not only for posterity but also to provide work for the many soldiers now at peace.
48. Most conquerors claim to bring civilization and progress to the lands they rule, yet their methods are inherently savage and unjust.
49. As a young conqueror his brutality earned him many enemies who rose up against him in his later years.
50. Although praised as a mighty conqueror, his empire exhibited extreme cultural and religious intolerance.
51. Monuments to the mighty conqueror's achievements still stand yet little trace remains of the suffering he inflicted.
52. Despite the pomp and self-glorification of conquerors, their lives were often marked by deep insecurity and inner turmoil.
53. Even as he laid waste to his enemies, the mighty conqueror dreamed of a world united under just governance and universal brotherhood.
54. The young conqueror's early victories owed much to the innovations of his generals rather than his own military genius.
55. Many conquerors are driven more by insecurities, fears and neuroses than by any grand vision for humanity.
56. Few conquerors escape the intoxicating lure of power and become the wise rulers they dreamed of being in their youth.
57. The mighty conqueror built temples to himself with slaves' labour yet claimed in victory to represent the will of the gods.
58. Although portrayed as an all-conquering hero in myth, the historical conqueror left a legacy of devastation and suffering in his wake.
59. The young conqueror's lust for power and renown drove him to ever more brutal methods as his opponents multiplied.
60. History remembers the mighty deeds of conquerors while ignoring the bloodstained paths by which such glory was attained.

Common Phases

1. Alexander the Great was a young conqueror who built one of the largest empires in history.
2. Genghis Khan was a ruthless conqueror who expanded the Mongol empire across Asia.
3. Julius Caesar conquered Gaul and became a Roman hero and conqueror.
4. Napoleon dreamt of becoming a conqueror like Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.
5. With his army of fearless Vikings, Ragnar Lodbrok terrorized Europe as a conqueror and warrior.
6. The Aztec leader Montezuma was a powerful conqueror who ruled over a vast empire.
7. Napoleon crowned himself Emperor in an act of hubris, longing for a conqueror's glory.
8. Cortes was a daring Spanish conqueror who defeated the Aztec Empire.
9. Hannibal was a Carthaginian conqueror who terrorized Rome during the Second Punic War.
10. William the Conqueror invaded England and became the first Norman king of England.
11. The mighty conqueror returned home triumphant after defeating his enemies in battle.
12. The glorious conqueror marched into the city amid cheers and celebrations.
13. The conquering general received accolades from the admiring crowds.
14. After decades of conflict, the two nations finally came together in peace, laying down their conquests and conqueror's ways.
15. The villain sought to spread terror and chaos as a would-be conqueror.
16. The message of peace and love triumphed over the conqueror's ways of force and violence.
17. The iron fist of the cruel conqueror ruled over his subjects with fear and brutality.
18. With modern armies and technologies, future conquerors may rise and fall in virtual worlds instead of the real one.
19. The city stood as a relic of past conquerors and empires long forgotten.
20. The ruling conqueror demanded complete loyalty and obedience from his subjects.
21. The path of the conqueror is paved with the suffering of countless people.
22. The hero rose up to overthrow the tyranny of the evil conqueror.
23. The rise and fall of great conquerors is an endless cycle throughout history.
24. Despite being victorious in battle, the conqueror's victory felt hollow and meaningless.
25. The battered army retreated in defeat, their dreams of conquest shattered.
26. No conqueror or emperor can hope to rule a people unwilling to be ruled.
27. The war dreams of power-mad conquerors only breed more suffering and misery in the world.
28. With no more lands left to conquer, the once mighty conqueror's empire crumbled from within.
29. The conqueror's men pillaged and plundered the city, leaving it in ruins.
30. The vanquished rebel finally yielded to the conqueror's will.
31. The soldier dreamed of becoming a great conqueror and hero.
32. Your success or failure depends not on being a conqueror, but on being a peacemaker.
33. Fame and glory fade for even the greatest of conquerors.
34. The conqueror emerged victorious from the other side of the bloodied battlefield.
35. The great conqueror laid dying, his dreams of further conquests left unfulfilled.
36. The conqueror's statue stood tall in the capital city, a monument to past glories.
37. In death, even the mightiest of conquerors are reduced to dust.
38. Modern conquerors wage war not with swords, but with ideas and information.
39. The conqueror's marching armies soon realized there would be no riches or spoils to take from the ruined village.
40. Only a conqueror's eyes could fail to see beauty in such a land.
41. Their bloodthirsty conqueror spilled rivers of innocent blood across the land.
42. As history shows, no empire or conqueror can endure forever.
43. The defeated enemy surrendered willingly to the mercy of the generous conqueror.
44. Stories of great conquerors filled his young mind with dreams of battle and glory.
45. The conquering army drowned the land in flames and destruction.
46. The arrogant conqueror soon learned the hard way that pride comes before a fall.
47. The people rose up and overthrew their oppressive conqueror.
48. History remembers the names of conquerors but forgets the countless lives destroyed.
49. Many celebrate the feats of great conquerors while ignoring the human cost of conquest.
50. The conqueror's wife begged him not to go off to make war and wage more conquests.
51. The conqueror was accustomed to having his every whim catered for.
52. The sacking and pillage of the city left people longing for any ruler but the one who called himself their conqueror.
53. No conqueror or tyrant can claim dominion over the human spirit.
54. One man's conqueror is another man's liberator.
55. The ancient ruins bear witness to the passing of many conquerors over the centuries.
56. His appetite for conquest and dominance knew no bounds.
57. Pondering the rise and fall of past conquerors fills philosophers with existential wonder.
58. The despotic conqueror's reign of terror finally came to an end.
59. The conqueror sought to erase all traces of the native culture he had subdued.
60. Future conquerors will have to rethink the ethics of conquest in the modern age.

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