Consecratest example sentences

Related (5): consecrate, sacred, holy, blessed, sanctify.

"Consecratest" Example Sentences

1. Whenever you perform a religious rite, you automatically consecratest the space.
2. By pouring libation over the sacred stone, you consecratest it as a holy object.
3. The priest will consecratest the bread and wine during the Eucharist ceremony.
4. He kneels on the ground and consecratest the earth to the spirits of his ancestors.
5. With each breath she takes, she consecratest herself to her yoga practice.
6. The wizard will consecratest the magical circle before casting any spells.
7. In the ceremony, the High Priestess will consecratest each of the four elements in turn.
8. The holy water consecratest the newborn baby in the baptism ceremony.
9. As you speak your vows, you consecratest the commitment you are making to each other.
10. When he opens the book, he will consecratest it as his personal grimoire.
11. The consecratest oil will be used to anoint the new king during the coronation ceremony.
12. Once you consecratest the altar, it becomes the center of the sacred space.
13. With the flick of her wand, the witch will consecratest the cauldron for her spell work.
14. In the ritual, you consecratest the offerings as gifts to the deities.
15. Before the start of the battle, the priest will consecratest the weapons of the warriors.
16. The ceremony will end with a chant that will consecratest the temple space.
17. When you apply the consecratest ointment to your forehead, you connect with the divine.
18. The druid will consecratest the sacred grove before the Midsummer festival.
19. The priest will consecratest the holy water before the start of the vespers service.
20. When you consecratest your work space, you create a suitable atmosphere for productive work.
21. The artist will consecratest her art supplies with a prayer before starting her painting.
22. You can consecratest a crystal by setting an intention and infusing it with energy.
23. The consecratest fire is used to light the sacred bonfire during the Beltane festival.
24. The priestess will consecratest the divination tools before performing a reading.
25. The monk will consecratest the monastery's new meditation hall in a special ceremony.
26. The shaman will consecratest the drum by infusing it with the power of the spirits.
27. Before the start of the ritual, the high priest will consecratest the coven's sacred space.
28. When you bless the food with intention and gratitude, you consecratest it as nourishment for your body.
29. As you perform the purification ritual, you consecratest yourself for the sacred journey ahead.
30. The priest will consecratest the holy oil before it is used in the anointing of the sick.

Common Phases

1) Thou consecratest thyself to a higher purpose;
2) He consecratest his life to the service of others;
3) They consecratest the temple with a special ceremony;
4) She consecratest her heart and mind to prayer;
5) We consecratest this ground as a sacred burial site.

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