Consonance example sentences

Related (8): harmony, agreement, correspondence, consistency, unison, congruity, accord, synchronization

"Consonance" Example Sentences

1. The harsh clanging created consonance that jarred the ear.
2. The chiming bells created musical consonance.
3. The poet used consonance to create a pleasing rhythm in the poem.
4. The song opened with gentle consonance as the two melodies flowed together.
5. The repetition of similar consonant sounds created consonance in the passage.
6. The alliteration created pleasant consonance in the prose.
7. The consonance of the song's refrain added to its catchy quality.
8. The musician experimented with different chords to find the perfect consonance.
9. The consonance of the hummed tune harmonized with the gentle breeze.
10. The harsh consonance of the voices grated against each other.
11. The poet skillfully used consonance to create a pleasing cadence.
12. The painter sought musical consonance in the way he blended colors on the canvas.
13. The composer strove for musical consonance in overlaying the orchestral parts.
14. The jarring consonance of the discordant notes created an unsettling mood.
15. The consonance of the similar vowel sounds created a smooth rhythm and flow.
16. The harsh consonance in the clashing instruments created an ominous tone.
17. The consonance between the vocalist and guitarist created an integrated melody.
18. The consonance within the harmonic structure of the symphony produced unity.
19. The alliterative consonance created a lilt in the child's poem.
20. The consonance of the repeated consonant sounds pulsed through the chant.
21. The consonance and dissonance worked together dynamically in the piece.
22. The consonance of the chimes flowing together produced a soothing sound.
23. The consonance of their voices blending together created beautiful harmony.
24. The jangling consonance of the disharmonious chords grated on the listener.
25. The consonance created by the rhyming words gave unity to the poem.
26. The consonance in the lines added cadence and flow to the ballad.
27. The harsh consonance of the clashing sounds created an aural assault.
28. The consonance of the well-tuned piano keys created a pleasant tinkling.
29. The consonance of the crickets chirping blended with the rhythmic cicadas.
30. The musical consonance came from the mixture of smoothly played notes.
31. There was dissonance among the notes but also moments of consonance and resolution.
32. The consonance within the melody created a soothing vocal texture.
33. The harsh consonance of the percussive beats created an edgy rhythm.
34. The musical consonance came from the symphony of many sounds blending together.
35. The consonance within the carefully crafted cadence lent a sing-song quality.
36. The dissonant clashing and jarring consonance built intensity in the composition.
37. The consonance created by the repetitions of similar words lent cohesion.
38. The consonance was pleasing but remained balanced with complementary dissonance.
39. The consonance in the rhythmic beat tied the instruments together as one.
40. The consonance from the blended instrumental tones produced vibrancy.
41. The pulsing consonance of the repetitive bass line underpinned the melody.
42. The gnashing consonance of the clashing gears grated against the senses.
43. The ringing consonance of the chorus's voices created harmony.
44. The consonance of the harmonizing voices blended beautifully together.
45. The consonance in the cascade of similar consonant sounds created flow.
46. The consonance in the repetition of rhyming sounds created symmetry.
47. The discordant consonance of the quarrelling voices grated on one's nerves.
48. The musical consonance came from the symphony of complementary notes.
49. The consonance of the whistling wind with the howling dogs created an aural landscape.
50. The consonance of the falling rain blended with the pattering footsteps.
51. The consonance added fluidity and beauty to the graceful dance.
52. The harmonic consonance created a sense of unified progression in the music.
53. The consonance of the humming crowd created a rhythmic vibration.
54. The consonance arose from the blending of different but complementary sounds.
55. The consonant consonance gave a sense of logical flow and progression.
56. The poets strove for consonance and tried to avoid disharmonious dissonance.
57. The consonance within the vocal harmonies blended the singers into one voice.
58. The jangling consonance of the clashing chords grated unpleasantly.
59. The poetic consonance created a rhythmic lilt throughout the stanzas.
60. The consonance arose from the blending of similar but not identical sounds.

Common Phases

1. The consonance of the music gave it an uplifting and joyful feel.
2. The alliteration and consonance in his poetry enhanced the lyrical rhythm and flow.
3. The cacophonous dissonance of the modern city contrasts with the harmonious consonance of the countryside.
4. The poem employed consonance to create an aura of peacefulness and tranquility.
5. The repetition of speech sounds like 'l' and 's' created consonance and emphasis.
6. The group chants created consonance through the repetition of the 'm' and 'n' sounds.
7. The consonance between their personalities gave their relationship balance and stability.
8. Her consonant syllables and alliterations set the mood as joyous and hopeful.
9. The consonance echoes through the room, stirring feelings of unity and belonging.
10. The words 'high,' 'sky,' and 'try' created consonance that imitated the feeling of soaring.
11. The song relied heavily on consonance and assonance between similar vowel sounds.
12. The harmonies created by consonance served to unify the elements of the piece.
13. There was dissonance and lack of consonance between their political views.
14. The words only created consonance and positive associations in my mind.
15. The consonance of their opinions caused them to complement and build upon each other.
16. The repetition of "m"s created comic consonance in the narrative.
17. The words seemed chosen for their euphony and consonance rather than meaning.
18. The rhyme and consonance gave a sense of completeness and fulfillment to the poem.
19. I find comfort and consonance listening to the rhythm of the waves hitting the shore.
20. There is a meaningful consonance between their voices that moves me deeply.
21. The consonance creates an atmosphere of harmony, evoking feelings of peace and security.
22. The consonance of the piece evoked feelings of nostalgia and reminiscent longing.
23. The lack of consonance between their visions created problems and tension.
24. The tinkling consonance of the piano keys lulled me into a relaxed trance.
25. The long "a" sounds help create an aura of consonance and consistency.
26. Their matching rhythms created a kind of consonance that united them.
27. The consonance of their ideas created a complimentary and coherent work.
28. The consonance of the chanting brought feelings of togetherness and unity.
29. The consonance created by the repetition of "s" created a sense of soothingness.
30. There is a lack of tonal consonance between the song's music and lyrics.
31. The consonance I felt listening to the speech filled me with hope and optimism.
32. The musical consonance of similar words helped create an atmosphere of serenity.
33.The consistent consonance of the plot elements created a cohesive and coherent story.
34. The musical consonance evoked an aura of innocence and nostalgic wonder.
35. The rhythmic consonance produced feelings of camaraderie and solidarity.
36. His words lacked the consonance and cohesion to effectively convey his point.
37.The consonance helped reinforce the ideas and give them internal consistency.
38. The lyrical consonance created an atmosphere of calm reflection.
39. Their similar vision produced a kind of intellectual consonance between them.
40. The consonance of the instruments created a tapestry of balanced harmony.
41. The consonance of their characters brought balance and stability to their partnership.
42. The repetition of the 'm' sound created a sonic consonance that evoked warm fuzziness.
43. The philosophical consonance created an integrated intellectual system.
44. The musical consonance united the instruments into a pleasing whole.
45. The poetic consonance gave the lines a cohesive and melodic sound.
46. The sonic consonance created an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
47. The lack of consonance between their visions doomed their working relationship.
48. The consonance of their ideas created a united and coherent thesis.
49. The consonance helped blur the lines between each instrument's part.
50. The rhyme and repetition created comforting consonance that soothed my emotions.
51. The dissonance between their views caused disagreement and lack of rapport.
52. Their intellectually consonant views created a synthesis of ideas.
53. The visual consonance created a sense of balance and rhythm.
54. The consonance evoked feelings of comfort and familiarity.
55. The consonance of the sentence structure created a pleasing cadence.
56. The consonance of their interests created a sense of compatibility.
57. There was concordance and consonance between their otherwise disparate philosophies.
58. The consonance produced an aura of solidity and dependability.
59. The concept lacked consonance with his other writings on the subject.
60. The consonance between her words created an atmosphere of soothing peace.

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