Consorteria example sentences

Related (5): syndicates, cartels, associations, confederacies, alliances

"Consorteria" Example Sentences

1. The consorteria was a powerful group of merchants in the medieval city.
2. The members of the consorteria pooled their resources to fund a new trading venture.
3. Many of the wealthy families in town were part of the consorteria.
4. The consorteria controlled the silk trade in the region, making them very influential.
5. The head of the consorteria was a shrewd businessman who knew how to make a deal.
6. To become part of the consorteria, one needed to have significant wealth and connections.
7. The consorteria was able to negotiate better prices with suppliers due to their collective bargaining power.
8. The members of the consorteria often met in secret to discuss their business dealings.
9. The consorteria had strict rules and regulations that members had to follow.
10. Some of the other merchants in town were envious of the power held by the consorteria.
11. Joining the consorteria was seen as a great accomplishment for traders in the city.
12. The consorteria had a reputation for being ruthless in their business practices.
13. The influence of the consorteria extended beyond the city walls, reaching other regions as well.
14. The consorteria was able to wield significant political power due to their wealth and connections.
15. Many of the most profitable businesses in the region were owned by members of the consorteria.
16. The consorteria was able to maintain their power by stamping out competition and fending off rivals.
17. The members of the consorteria were known to throw extravagant parties and events.
18. The consorteria had their own private guards to protect their interests.
19. The consorteria was responsible for funding many of the city's public works projects.
20. The forming of the consorteria was a response to the challenges faced by the region's merchants.
21. Members of the consorteria were expected to contribute a portion of their profits to the group's coffers.
22. The regulations set by the consorteria were designed to maintain stability and order in the local economy.
23. The head of the consorteria was the most powerful person in the city, even above the mayor.
24. The members of the consorteria were very secretive about their dealings, often speaking in code.
25. The consorteria was able to exert significant influence over the local church as well.
26. Tensions between the consorteria and other merchant groups often led to violence and feuds.
27. The actions of the consorteria were often opposed by the lower classes, who saw them as corrupt and greedy.
28. Being part of the consorteria meant being part of an exclusive club of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the region.
29. Over time, the power of the consorteria began to wane, as new economic forces emerged.
30. Despite this, the legacy of the consorteria lives on, with many historians studying their impact on the local and regional economy.

Common Phases

1. The consorteria was established to facilitate cooperation among various companies;
2. The consorteria helped to streamline the research and development process;
3. The consorteria provided a platform for information sharing and networking;
4. The consorteria enabled members to pool resources and reduce costs;
5. The success of the project was due in large part to the efforts of the consorteria;
6. Participation in the consorteria led to new business opportunities and partnerships.

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