Conspicous example sentences

Related (11): obvious, noticeable, prominent, distinct, apparent, striking, remarkable, notable, significant, outstanding, flagrant

"Conspicous" Example Sentences

1. The thief was caught due to his conspicuous behavior.
2. The bright red car was quite conspicuous on the quiet street.
3. A conspicuous silence filled the room as the accused entered.
4. The politician made a conspicuous effort to seem relatable to his constituents.
5. Her large, gaudy earrings were a conspicuous addition to her otherwise understated outfit.
6. The painting's use of bold and bright colors made it quite conspicuous in the otherwise neutral gallery.
7. He tried to remain inconspicuous at the party, but his loud laughter and boisterous behavior made him quite conspicuous.
8. The tall, towering building was a conspicuous landmark in the city.
9. The missing person's bright orange shirt made him conspicuous in the woods.
10. Her acne was quite conspicuous under the harsh fluorescent lighting.
11. The extravagant display of wealth was quite conspicuous among the modest homes in the neighborhood.
12. The company's logo was a conspicuous symbol of status and success.
13. The missing piece of information was the most conspicuous clue in the investigation.
14. The Queen's presence was quite conspicuous among the sea of commoners at the parade.
15. The bright yellow sign was a conspicuous warning against trespassing on the private property.
16. His conspicuous absence from the meeting was noted by the other members of the team.
17. The expensive watch was a conspicuous display of his wealth and status.
18. The new employee's lack of experience was quite conspicuous during the training session.
19. The small child's loud and boisterous behavior was quite conspicuous in the otherwise quiet library.
20. The massive, ornate chandelier was a conspicuous fixture in the grand ballroom.
21. The celebrity's entourage was quite conspicuous as they made their way through the crowded city streets.
22. The bright neon sign was a conspicuous advertisement for the new business.
23. The broken window on the otherwise pristine house was quite conspicuous.
24. The student's attempts to cheat on the exam were quite conspicuous to the teacher.
25. The politician's flip-flopping on important issues was quite conspicuous to his constituents.
26. The bright yellow flowers were a conspicuous addition to the otherwise dull garden.
27. The missing puzzle piece was a conspicuous hole in the completed image.
28. The chef's use of unusual spices was a conspicuous feature of his cooking.
29. The unusual hairstyle was quite conspicuous on the otherwise conservative businessman.
30. The large, conspicuous scars on her face told the story of her tragic accident.

Common Phases

1. The conspicuous absence of;
2. The conspicuous display of;
3. The conspicuous consumption of;
4. The conspicuous wealth of;
5. The conspicuous generosity of;
6. The conspicuous demeanor of;
7. The conspicuous beauty of;
8. The conspicuous intelligence of;
9. The conspicuous talent of;
10. The conspicuous success of.

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