Contended example sentences

Related (5): Contended, argued, disputed, debated, challenged.



contended (past tense) · contended (past participle)

  - struggle to surmount (a difficulty or danger):

  - engage in a competition or campaign in order to win or achieve (something):

  - assert something as a position in an argument:


face, resist, withstand, compete, challenge, vie, contest, strive, struggle, tussle, grapple, wrestle, scuffle, squabble, skirmish, battle, combat, fight, war, oppose, clash, assert, maintain, hold, claim, argue, profess, affirm, aver, avow, insist, state, declare, pronounce, allege, plead

"Contended" Example Sentences

1. He contended that the evidence clearly pointed to his innocence.
2. She contended that the proposal was unworkable and impractical.
3. The defense attorney fiercely contended that his client was wrongly accused.
4. They contended that global warming was not caused by humans.
5. The plaintiff contended that the defendant owed him money for work done.
6. The scientists contended that their research showed no such correlation.
7. The workers contended that their pay and benefits were insufficient.
8. The activists contended that the prison conditions were inhumane.
9. The prosecution contended that the defendant's fingerprints were found at the crime scene.
10. The challenger contended that the incumbent had mismanaged the city's finances.
11. He contended that her assessment of the situation was incorrect.
12. Critics contended that the new law infringed on civil liberties.
13. The rival company contended that our product was inferior to theirs.
14. The union leaders contended that management was not bargaining in good faith.
15. The opposing political candidate contended that the incumbent was corrupt.
16. The third party contended that the two major candidates were too similar.
17. They contended that budget cuts would damage the school system.
18. She contended that her frequent tardiness was due to issues with public transit.
19. He contended that stress from his job was causing health problems.
20. The journalist contended that the official story covered up the truth.
21. They contended that the city's bylaws prohibited their project from proceeding.
22. Environmental activists contended that the proposed development would harm wildlife.
23. The opposition party contended that recent elections were fraudulent.
24. He contended that reading novels helped develop empathy in children.
25. She contended that more evidence was needed before reaching a conclusion.
26. Critics contended that the celebrity chef's recipes were impractical.
27. They contended that canceling the concert would cause an uproar among fans.
28. His parents contended that he was too young for such a commitment.
29. The historian contended that events were misportrayed in the bestselling book.
30. The challenger contended that the current leadership was out of touch.
31. They contended that reductions in arts funding would damage the community.
32. The rival company contended that our product lacked necessary features.
33. The defense attorney contended that prosecutors had withheld evidence.
34. Supporters contended that the legislation would improve voters' rights.
35. The plaintiff's attorney contended that her client had been unfairly treated.
36. The opposing attorney contended that the witness was unreliable.
37. He contended that various factors had contributed to the company's poor performance.
38. Animal rights activists contended that the conditions at the laboratory were abusive.
39. She contended that their early experiences shaped their outlook in adulthood.
40. The plaintiff contended that the injury had impacted her ability to work.
41. The protesters contended that the government was violating citizens' rights.
42. He contended that global poverty could not be solved through aid alone.
43. The defendant contended that he was being framed for a crime he did not commit.
44. Feminists contended that language reinforced patriarchal norms.
45. We contended that the proposal's methodology was fundamentally flawed.
46. Advocates contended that the ban would not effectively reduce crime.
47. The politician contended that the trade deal would cost Americans jobs.
48. Philosophers have long contended over the existence of free will.
49. The judge contended that there were flaws in both parties' arguments.
50. The insurance company contended that preexisting conditions voided the policy.
51. Scholars have contended for centuries over the authorship of Shakespeare's plays.
52. He contended that the data showed clear evidence of climate change impacts.
53. She contended that unfair treatment in the workplace was common for women.
54. The rival company contended that their design was superior and more innovative.
55. Supporters contended that the bill would revitalize the city's economy.
56. They contended that more research was needed before making recommendations.
57. The rival contended that their candidate had more relevant experience.
58. The lawyer contended that his client could not possibly have committed the crime.
59. He contended that the character flaw had been misinterpreted by critics.
60. They contended that downsizing would ultimately undermine the company's success.

Common Phases

1. Smith contended that he was innocent of all charges.
2. The opposing attorney hotly contended that Smith was lying.
3. They hotly contended over the ownership of the land.
4. The two candidates contended for the position of president.
5. She contended that women deserve equal pay for equal work.
6. The biologist contended that evolution by natural selection was the best explanation for the diversity of life.
7. I contended that they should reconsider their initial decision.
8. The defense attorney contended that his client was not at the scene of the crime.
9. The historians long contended over the causes of the American Civil War.
10. The author contended that censorship is against democracy.
11. They contended for the top spot on the leaderboard.
12. The citizens contended that pollution levels in the city had become dangerously high.
13. They fiercely contended over their religious beliefs.
14. Philosophers have long contended over the nature and purpose of human existence.
15. She contended that their explanations made no rational sense.
16. The students contended for the highest grade in the class.
17. The two theories contended for primacy in explaining the phenomenon.
18. He contended that life was meaningless without love.
19. The lawyers contended over the proper interpretation of the law.
20. The scientists contended over whose experiment produced the most accurate result.
21. I vigorously contended that their assumptions were fundamentally flawed.
22. The debaters hotly contended over various social issues.
23. He contended that their views were based on misunderstandings and misconceptions.
24. The players contended for the championship.
25. They hotly contended over property rights.
26. Theologians have long contended over the nature of God and divinity.
27. She contended that all beings deserve compassion.
28. I contended that recycling should be mandatory.
29. They passionately contended over their political views.
30. The teams contended for the trophy.
31. The explanation contended that the disease was caused by a virus.
32. He passionately contended for human rights and civil liberties.
33. We vigorously contended over the best course of action.
34. The opposing viewpoints hotly contended over who was to blame.
35. She fervently contended for animal rights.
36. The opposing sides contended for dominance.
37. They hotly contended over monetary compensation.
38. The ambassador contended that peace was the only sensible solution.
39. Contending factions battled in the streets.
40. The young visionary contended that anything was possible with hard work and perseverance.
41. They hotly contended over airtime on the radio program.
42. The defense attorney vigorously contended that his client was innocent.
43. She energetically contended that women deserve equal pay.
44. They fiercely contended for the win.
45. My explanation hotly contended with hers.
46. The theorists contended over which principle should have primacy.
47. His position contended that freedom of speech was paramount.
48. Philosophers have long contended over the existence of free will.
49. The two perspectives hotly contended regarding the best approach.
50. The rival firms contended for market share.
51. I contended that more data was needed before drawing conclusions.
52. The plaintiffs hotly contended over their share of the settlement.
53. He contended for better working conditions and fair treatment of employees.
54. Contending groups clashed over allocation of resources.
55. Scholars contended over the interpretation of the ancient text.
56. I earnestly contended that our actions were justified and necessary.
57. Factions hotly contended on social media over the issue.
58. Supporters contended for their presidential candidate.
59. The expert witnesses contended over their professional opinions.
60. Admirers contended for the title of her greatest work.

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