Contentionsly example sentences
contentious (adjective)
- causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial:
- involving heated argument:
- (of a person) given to arguing or provoking argument:
- relating to or involving differences between contending parties.
controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, contended, moot, vexed, ambivalent, equivocal, unsure, uncertain, unresolved, undecided, unsettled, borderline, controvertible, uncontroversial, heated, vehement, fierce, violent, intense, impassioned, committed, calm, argumentative, quarrelsome, disputatious, disputative, confrontational, captious, factious, cavilling, pugnacious, combative, defiant, hostile, antagonistic, bellicose, belligerent, militant, warring, fighting, battling, threatening, litigious, irascible, cantankerous, irritable, petulant, truculent, fiery, choleric, bickering, wrangling, stroppy, scrappy, peaceable, Legal"Contentionsly" Example Sentences
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