Contourn example sentences

Related (6): contourner, contournement, contournable, contournage, contournant, contourné

"Contourn" Example Sentences

1. The contourn of her face was accentuated by the bold makeup.
2. The artist carefully followed the contourn of the model's body in his sketch.
3. I love how the contourn of the mountains blend beautifully with the horizon.
4. The dress was designed to show off the contourn of the woman's curves.
5. The contourn of the sculpture was masterfully crafted by the artist.
6. The hiker struggled to climb the steep contourn of the mountain.
7. The makeup artist used a dark shade to contour and enhance the model's contourn.
8. The architect carefully considered the natural contourn of the landscape when designing the house.
9. The contourn of the dancer's body was breathtakingly graceful.
10. The contour map showed the elevation contourns of the terrain.
11. The makeup tutorial taught viewers how to properly contourn their faces.
12. The designer used light and shadow to create the perfect contourn for the wedding dress.
13. The road follows the natural contourn of the terrain, winding through valleys and mountains.
14. The contourn of the lake was reflected majestically in the sunrise.
15. The fitness trainer taught his clients how to contourn their bodies through proper exercise.
16. The artist used a contour brush to create a nuanced contourn on the canvas.
17. The makeup artist applied contouring powder to the model's cheekbones for a subtle contourn effect.
18. The contourn of the building was designed to maximize natural light and air flow.
19. The geologist studied the contourn of the rock formations to understand the area's geology.
20. The dressmaker tailored the dress to perfectly fit the contourn of the client's body.
21. The contourn of the waves crashing against the shore was mesmerizing.
22. The chef used a pastry bag to contour the frosting on the cake for a beautiful contourn effect.
23. The exercise involves a lot of contourn changes, so pay attention to your body's needs.
24. The makeup artist used contouring cream to create a seamless contourn for the model.
25. The contourn of the clouds in the sunset sky were a breathtaking sight.
26. The architect used artificial light to highlight the natural contourn of the building at night.
27. The landscape artist used contour lines to create a detailed representation of the terrain.
28. The makeup artist blended the contouring powder to create a natural-looking contourn.
29. The water flowed along the contourns of the riverbed after a heavy rain.
30. The contouring technique can help create the illusion of a contourned face without surgery.

Common Phases

1. The artist contoured the model's cheeks and jawline;
2. She contoured her nose to make it appear slimmer;
3. They used contouring to create the illusion of higher cheekbones;
4. He expertly contoured her face, enhancing her natural features;
5. The makeup artist used contouring to sculpt the actor's face for the stage;
6. She contoured her eyes to make them appear more defined;
7. They used contouring to highlight and shadow various areas of the face;
8. He contoured his forehead to give the illusion of a smaller forehead;
9. The bride's makeup artist contoured her face to perfection for the big day.

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