Contrastively example sentences

Related (2): however, conversely

"Contrastively" Example Sentences

1. Sarah is a very quiet person, contrastively, her sister is extremely talkative.
2. This painting is quite abstract, contrastively, the one beside it is very realistic.
3. The weather in the mountains is very different, contrastively, to the weather at the beach.
4. The sports car is very fast, contrastively, the family car is much slower.
5. He was very calm during the exam, contrastively, she was extremely nervous.
6. The old house is full of charm, contrastively, the new apartment is very modern.
7. The professor spoke very slowly, contrastively, the student asked questions very quickly.
8. His behavior was very reserved, contrastively, his teammate was extremely outgoing.
9. The cat slept all day, contrastively, the dog barked at everything that moved.
10. The restaurant was very expensive, contrastively, the food truck was very cheap.
11. The movie was very funny, contrastively, the book was very serious.
12. She was very patient with the children, contrastively, he became very frustrated with them.
13. The winter months are very cold, contrastively, the summer months are very hot.
14. The music was very loud, contrastively, the television was very quiet.
15. The laptop was very expensive, contrastively, the tablet was very cheap.
16. The operation was very successful, contrastively, the recovery was very difficult.
17. The dress was very elegant, contrastively, the jeans and t-shirt were very casual.
18. The painting was very bright, contrastively, the photograph was very dark.
19. The house was very cluttered, contrastively, the apartment was very tidy.
20. The game was very easy, contrastively, the puzzle was very difficult.
21. The birthday cake was very sweet, contrastively, the fruit platter was very sour.
22. The novel was very long, contrastively, the short story was very brief.
23. The concert was very noisy, contrastively, the bookstore was very quiet.
24. The work week was very busy, contrastively, the weekend was very relaxing.
25. The buyer was very serious, contrastively, the seller was very lighthearted.
26. The artwork was very abstract, contrastively, the sculpture was very realistic.
27. The vegetarian dish was very healthy, contrastively, the fast food was very unhealthy.
28. The website was very user-friendly, contrastively, the app was very difficult to navigate.
29. The wedding was very formal, contrastively, the barbecue was very informal.
30. The meeting was very productive, contrastively, the brainstorming session was very unproductive.

Common Phases

1. On the one hand, the company's profits have increased significantly; contrastively, their customer satisfaction ratings have plummeted.
2. While some people prefer dark roast coffee; contrastively, others enjoy a lighter roast.
3. The athlete has a rigorous training schedule; contrastively, their off-season allows for relaxation and recovery.
4. Some students prefer traditional classroom learning; contrastively, others thrive in an online format.
5. While some countries prioritize economic growth; contrastively, others prioritize environmental sustainability.

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