Convalesce example sentences

Related (9): recovery, recuperation, healing, rehabilitation, recuperating, improving, mending, recuperative, convalescent.



convalesce (verb) · convalesces (third person present) · convalesced (past tense) · convalesced (past participle) · convalescing (present participle)

  - recover one's health and strength over a period of time after an illness or operation:


recuperate, recover, improve, deteriorate

"Convalesce" Example Sentences

1. The patient needed time to convalesce after the difficult surgery.
2. She spent weeks convalescing at her parent's house to regain her health and strength.
3. The doctor recommended he convalesce for at least a month after leaving the hospital.
4. During his convalescence, he was unable to do much more than read and rest.
5. The doctor advised him to convalesce at home where he would be more comfortable.
6. His long convalescence was difficult for both him and his family.
7. The injured soldier needed to convalesce for several months at the military hospital.
8. After he was discharged from the hospital, he went to recuperate at a convalescent home.
9. The sick girl spent her convalescence resting and listening to music.
10. The bride's mother had to convalesce before she could attend the wedding.
11. She spent her convalescence sitting in the sunroom listening to classical music.
12. The athlete required weeks of rest and convalescence before returning to the field.
13. The dancer needed to convalesce properly to avoid future injuries.
14. The doctor recommended convalescence in a warm, dry climate to speed recovery.
15. During his convalescence, he lived mostly on broths and light soups.
16. The doctor instructed him to convalescence at least three weeks before going back to work.
17. He is convalescing in the hospital after a serious car accident.
18. The injury required an extended convalescence with physical therapy.
19. The doctor ordered strict bed rest during his convalescence.
20. She was sent to a retreat in the country to convalesce from her illness.
21. Convalescence after coronary bypass surgery typically takes 4 to 6 weeks.
22. The burnt soldier needed to undergo a lengthy convalescence.
23. Her convalescence was long and difficult due to numerous infections.
24. The resort specialized in care for those convalescing from illness or injury.
25. The lodge offered a relaxed environment for guests convalescing from stress.
26. He was advised to take it easy and avoid stress during his convalescence.
27. While convalescing, she focused on adjusting her diet to improve her health.
28. His convalescence was marked by extreme fatigue and muscle weakness.
29. I retreated to the mountains to convalesce after a hard year.
30. The patient's speedy convalescence pleased her doctors and family.
31. During her convalescence from pneumonia, she struggled to gain back lost weight.
32. Convalescence at his parents' house provided him with comfort and home cooking.
33. The mail and flowers kept her spirits up during her long convalescence.
34. The doctor prescribed rest and a healthy diet during his convalescence.
35. They catered to guests in need of rest and comfort during their convalescence.
36. She took up painting during her convalescence to pass the time.
37. His convalescence involved months of physical therapy and rehabilitation.
38. Family members took turns caring for her during her convalescence.
39. She retired to the remote cabin to convalesce in solitude.
40. After weeks of convalescence at home, I felt like myself again.
41. The patient was restless during his several month long convalescence.
42. Her convalescence finally ended after nearly six months of recovery.
43. He struggled through a slow and painful convalescence at the rehabilitation facility.
44. I whiled away the hours of my convalescence reading books and listening to music.
45. Convalescent homes provided care for those recovering from serious illness.
46. The doctors were satisfied with the progress of his convalescence.
47. She reluctantly convalesced at home, wishing to return to work sooner.
48. His convalescence involved rebuilding muscle mass through exercise and good nutrition.
49. The doctor advised staying off my feet during my convalescence.
50. After his convalescence, he returned to his active lifestyle.

Common Phases

1. After the surgery, Joseph will convalesce at home for several weeks.
2. The patient needed several months to convalesce from her injuries sustained in the car accident.
3. During summer vacation, the children decided to let their grandparents convalesce in peace and quiet.
4. The doctor recommended a change of scenery for the patient to convalesce more quickly.
5. The nurse ensured that the patient had everything she needed during her convalescence.
6. Her friends brought meals and kept her company while she convalesced after falling ill.
7. I stayed by his bedside as he convalesced from pneumonia.
8. The warm climate sped up his recovery and convalescence there.
9. The military hospital had a dedicated wing for soldiers to convalesce in after combat injuries.
10. She needed time to convalesce from the stress of her busy work schedule.
11. The doctor assured the family that the patient was making steady progress in his convalescence.
12. They moved her to a beach house so she could convalesce in the healing sea air.
13. While she convalesced from the broken leg, her husband saw to her every need.
14. I brought him plenty of books and magazines to read while he convalesced at home.
15. With patience and care, the wounded soldier began to slowly convalesce.
16. My mother convalesced for several months after her knee replacement surgery.
17. Her energy began returning as she started to convalesce.
18. The spa resort was the ideal place for him to convalesce after the stressful work project.
19. A dedicated nurse helped in her convalescence after the amputation procedure.
20. His strength returned as he convalesced from the extended illness.
21. They built a greenhouse on the lawn so she could sit and rest as she convalesced.
22. The rest and relaxation helped him convalesce quickly from the exhaustion.
23. The hospital staff treated the patient with patience and kindness during his convalescence.
24. The doctor expected a full convalescence within three months.
25. My grandparents moved in with us so we could help them convalesce from the illness.
26. I stayed by his bedside throughout his long convalescence after the serious accident.
27. Over time, he started gaining more energy as he convalesced from the debilitating disease.
28. His spirits began to lift as he convalesced and regained his health.
29. My mother needed to rest and convalesce from work after returning home from the hospital.
30. His convalescence meant weeks of going slowly and building up strength.
31. The cat convalesced peacefully under the bed after being treated for injuries.
32. The toddler convalesced quickly after a minor illness.
33. It takes as long as it takes to convalesce fully from an intensive surgery.
34. The doctor expected the patient to convalesce nicely after the operation.
35. During convalescence, the patient needs plenty of rest and nourishment.
36. The retired general convalesced at his daughter's home after a stroke.
37. The child spent weeks in the hospital convalescing from injuries sustained in an accident.
38. After the demanding production, the actress needed time to convalesce from exhaustion.
39. The doctor encouraged positive thinking to speed the patient's convalescence.
40. The cancer patient's friends gathered regularly to provide support during her long convalescence.
41. The family focused on nurturing and good nutrition to aid in his convalescence.
42. The warm summer sunshine aided his convalescence from pneumonia.
43. Time, rest, and care are the keys to successful convalescence from a major injury.
44. She convalesced slowly but steadily from the complications of her diabetes.
45. Her relatives took turns looking after her as she convalesced at home.
46. The cancer treatment left her needing months to convalesce and recover her strength.
47. The injury turned into an infection that extended her convalescence by weeks.
48. The patient's convalescence progressed smoothly with plenty of sleep and good nutrition.
49. He needed absolute stillness and quiet in order to convalesce properly from the exhaustion.
50. During convalescence, any setback can be discouraging so care is paramount.
51. She spent several months convalescing at her childhood home after the accident.
52. The surgical team expressed optimism about his prospects for a swift convalescence.
53. We focused our energies on ensuring a comfortable convalescence for my grandmother.
54. Her peaceful convalescence at the seaside sanatorium reduced her stress and anxiety.
55. He needed time away from work to properly convalesce after his mental breakdown.
56. With love and support she was able to convalesce from the traumatic experience.
57. The surgeon praised her positive attitude and said it would aid in her convalescence.
58. Her downward spiral began during convalescence from the hip replacement surgery.
59. Little by little, his strength returned and he was able to move about during convalescence.
60. The spa treatments sped up her convalescence from the effects of too much work and stress.

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