Convalescent example sentences

Related (7): recovery, recuperation, healing, rehabilitation, rest, recuperative, convalescence.

"Convalescent" Example Sentences

1. The convalescent patient was given a warm soup for dinner.
2. John is a convalescent worker who is slowly making a return to work.
3. The hospital has a convalescent unit for patients that need extra care after a procedure.
4. The convalescent home is a place where elderly people can recover from an illness or injury.
5. Mark is a convalescent soldier who was wounded in battle and is slowly healing.
6. After spending weeks in the hospital, Sarah is finally a convalescent patient and is on the road to recovery.
7. The convalescent stage is an important part of the healing process.
8. The convalescent ward is a quiet and peaceful area of the hospital for patients to rest.
9. Irene is a convalescent cancer patient who is undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
10. The convalescent nurse was responsible for monitoring the patient's progress and administering medication.
11. The convalescent child was finally able to go home after spending months in the hospital.
12. The convalescent center has a rehabilitation program to help patients regain their strength and mobility.
13. The convalescent patient was grateful for the kind and attentive care he received from the nurses.
14. Recovering from surgery can be difficult, but the convalescent patient was determined to get better.
15. The convalescent facility has a beautiful garden where patients can relax and enjoy the outdoors.
16. The convalescent animal was brought to the wildlife rehabilitation center to recover from its injuries.
17. Sarah's grandmother was a convalescent patient who spent her last days in a hospice care facility.
18. The convalescent soldier was awarded a medal for his bravery and dedication to his country.
19. The convalescent period is a time when the body needs a lot of rest and nourishment.
20. The convalescent patient was visited by her family and friends, who brought her flowers and cards.
21. The convalescent hotel offered luxurious accommodations for patients who needed extra care and attention.
22. The convalescent therapy program helped the patient regain her confidence and independence.
23. The convalescent retirement home provided a safe and comfortable environment for elderly residents.
24. The convalescent patient was on a strict diet to help her regain her strength and energy.
25. The convalescent camp provided a fun and relaxing environment for children recovering from illnesses.
26. The convalescent marine was excited to return to duty after recovering from his injuries.
27. During the convalescent period, it's important to listen to your body and take things slowly.
28. The convalescent soccer player was determined to regain his skill and agility before returning to the field.
29. The convalescent baby was given extra care and attention in the neonatal intensive care unit.
30. The convalescent swimmer was thrilled to be back in the pool after a long hiatus.

Common Phases

1. The convalescent patient slowly regained their strength; each day their energy levels improved.
2. During his convalescent period, John was advised to take plenty of rest and avoid any strenuous activities.
3. As she entered the convalescent home, Mary was greeted with smiles and warm welcomes from the staff.
4. Following his discharge from the hospital, he spent weeks in a convalescent facility before returning home.
5. The convalescent stage can be a difficult time; many patients experience feelings of anxiety and fear about their recovery.
6. The convalescent ward was quiet and peaceful, with patients resting in their beds or walking slowly up and down the halls.
7. The doctors advised her to continue her convalescent care at home; this included eating a balanced diet, taking prescribed medications, and attending physical therapy sessions.
8. During his convalescent period, he was visited daily by nurses and physicians who monitored his progress and provided support and encouragement.

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