Conventionally example sentences

Related (12): traditionally, typically, commonly, normally, ordinarily, routinely, usually, habitually, regularly, established, standard, generally.

"Conventionally" Example Sentences

1. The dress is conventionally cut with a fitted bodice and full skirt.
2. We marched in the parade in a more conventionally arranged formation.
3. The family farm was conventionally run, using traditional methods.
4. The recipe called for conventionally grown produce from the farmer's market.
5. The teacher employed both conventional and unconventional teaching methods.
6. They lived in a conventionally styled suburban home with a picket fence.
7. We structured the report in the conventionally organized format of introduction, body and conclusion.
8. The troops were equipped and armed in a conventionally military fashion.
9. The composer's style was outside the bounds of conventionally Western tonal harmony.
10. The business operated in a conventionally capitalistic manner focused on profit and growth.
11. The houseplants were watered using conventionally available means rather than an irrigation system.
12. The poet experimented with a more conventionally lyric style in her later works.
13. The automobile employed a conventionally powered internal combustion engine.
14. We sorted the mail in conventionally marked piles for first, second and third class.
15. The watch employed a conventionally wound mechanical movement rather than a battery.
16. Experiments using conventionally accepted scientific methods often yield predictable results.
17. The furniture was constructed in a conventionally angular design with straight lines and right angles.
18. In the movie, the monster was defeated using conventionally modern weaponry like guns and explosives.
19. The story employed a conventionally linear narrative structure that proceeded in a straightforward chronology.
20. The church was designed with a conventionally Gothic style employing pointed arches and flying buttresses.
21. The remedy used ingredients that were conventionally and readily available.
22. The task was completed in the conventionally expected amount of time.
23. The novel's characters were conventionally good or evil with little moral ambiguity.
24. The weapons were conventionally militaristic with guns, bayonets and bombs.
25. The encyclopedia was organized in a conventionally alphabetical format.
26. The recipe called for conventionally available spices and herbs.
27. The car was fitted with a conventionally powered internal combustion engine.
28. The church bells were rang in a conventionally timed sequence marking the hours.
29. The plan was executed in a conventionally organized and logical manner.
30. The heirloom vegetable seeds produced yields that were conventionally sized for the species.
31. The doctor used conventionally approved medical treatments.
32. The jar was filled with conventionally canned vegetables and fruits.
33. The essay structure followed a conventionally accepted outline of introduction, body and conclusion.
34. The architecture featured conventionally shaped windows and doors.
35. The database was structured in conventionally logical fields arranged by data type.
36. The medication was conventionally taken orally once or twice daily.
37. The lamp base was constructed using conventionally shaped geometric forms.
38. The computer uses binary code to store data, as conventionally done in digital systems.
39. The paper was written in a conventionally academic tone using formal language.
40. We fixed the flat tire using conventionally available tools and materials.
41. The apples were graded and sorted according to conventionally accepted size and color criteria.
42. The business calculation was performed using conventionally accepted accounting practices.
43. The report findings were presented in a conventionally structured list of bullet points.
44. The essay argument followed a conventionally linear logical progression.
45. The cups were stacked in a conventionally organized pyramid shape for stability.
46. The mail was sent using conventionally stamped and addressed envelopes.
47. The instructions were written in a conventionally declarative straightforward manner.
48. The band performed cover songs using conventionally available instruments.
49. The prescription drug was manufactured conventionally off-site and packaged by the supplier.
50. The car started using a conventionally structured ignition system involving a battery, starter and spark plugs.
60. The vaccine was developed using conventionally tried methods involving viral cultures and antigens.

Common Phases

1. The dress was cut in a conventionally feminine shape.
2. The story followed a conventionally linear plot.
3. The troops were armed in a conventionally military fashion.
4. The farm was operated using conventionally accepted agricultural techniques.
5. The report was structured in a conventionally organized format.
6. The remedy used conventionally available ingredients.
7. The shape of the windows and doors followed conventions of traditional architecture.
8. The essay argument proceeded in a conventionally logical manner.
9. The character arcs developed along conventionally established trajectories.
10. The computer used conventionally accepted binary coding.
11. The medication was taken in conventionally prescribed doses.
12. The database fields were organized according to conventionally logical categories.
13. She performed the calculations using conventionally accepted formulas.
14. The umbrella spokes followed conventionally radial symmetrical pattern.
15. The short story employed a conventionally third-person narrator.
16. The record followed conventionally acceptable chart rankings.
17. The furniture was constructed using conventionally shaped geometric forms.
18. The organization structure followed conventionally hierarchical lines.
19. The band performed cover songs using conventionally available instruments.
20. The lecture employed conventionally structured bullet points.
21. The mail was addressed using conventionally printed fonts and formats.
22. The data was presented using conventionally accepted charts and graphs.
23. The car started using conventionally structured ignition system.
24. The apple varieties were sorted according to conventionally accepted categories.
25. The instructions were written in a conventionally straightforward manner.
26. The investment portfolio was balanced according to conventionally accepted ratios.
27. The watch employed a conventionally wound mechanical movement.
28. The painting style followed conventionally approved artistic techniques.
29. The recipe called for conventionally available ingredients.
30. The experiment used conventionally accepted scientific methods.

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