Cop example sentences
"Cop" Example Sentences
1. The cop pulled over the speeding car.
2. I got a speeding ticket from that cop on patrol.
3. The robber tried to outrun the cops but was caught.
4. Some cops work undercover to catch drug dealers.
5. The cops had to break up the fight outside the bar.
6. The cop gave me a warning instead of a ticket.
7. The female cop arrested the fleeing suspect.
8. I don't want to cop an attitude with you.
9. The cops swarmed the crime scene to gather evidence.
10. The plainclothes cop blended in with the crowd.
11. The cop put the criminal in handcuffs.
12. At the scene of the accident, the cops directed traffic.
13. The police cops pepper-sprayed the rioters.
14. The cops busted the drug smuggling ring.
15. The traffic cop directed vehicles through the busy intersection.
16. I tried to cop some forgiveness for my mistake.
17. The detectives questioned the crime suspects at the cop shop.
18. The criminal tried to cop a plea deal with the prosecutors.
19. The undercover cop infiltrated the criminal gang.
20. My little brother tried to cop an attitude with my mom.
21. The cop charged the suspect with theft.
22. I didn't cop an attitude even though I was upset.
23. The traffic cop wrote me a speeding ticket.
24. The police cop interrogated the robbery suspect.
25. The criminal copped to the crime when presented with evidence.
26. The mounted police cop helped control the unruly crowd.
27. I couldn't cop an attitude when my mom was right.
28. The cops raided the illegal gambling ring.
29. The bad cop and good cop routine didn't fool the suspect.
30. The patrol cop pulled over the speeding car.
31. I tried to cop some of his fries but he wouldn't share.
32. The dirty cops were paid off by the mob.
33. The motorcycle cop pulled over the car with a broken taillight.
34. I'll cop to being slightly jealous of her promotion.
35. The cops busted the teen party and confiscated the alcohol.
36. The plainclothes cops worked to infiltrate the gang.
37. I didn't cop an attitude when she criticized my work.
38. The cop car pulled in behind the suspicious vehicle.
39. You can't cop an attitude with your elders.
40. The K-9 cop sniffed for drugs and explosives.
41. The cop brandished his gun at the suspected robber.
42. The beat cop walked his regular route.
43. The cops cordoned off the crime scene.
44. The shoplifter tried to cop an attitude but the store manager remained calm.
45. The police cop pulled out his handcuffs.
46. The thief tried to cop a deal with the prosecutor but was refused.
47. Don't cop an attitude with me, young man!
48. The police cop conducted a sobriety test on the suspected drunk driver.
49. I'll cop to making a few mistakes.
50. The suspect tried to cop a plea for a lesser charge.
51. Traffic cops provided crowd control at the parade.
52. The FBI agent undercover as a cop infiltrated the criminal gang.
53. The criminal tried to cop a plea deal but the judge refused.
54. Cops don't like it when criminals try to cop an attitude.
55. The suspect copped to the theft when confronted with evidence.
56. We tried to cop some free snacks from the buffet.
57. Mounted police cops patrolled the streets.
58. You can't just cop an attitude when things don't go your way.
59. The state trooper cop pulled over the speeding minivan.
60. The dirty cop was caught taking bribes.
Common Phases
1. Cop a deal
2. Cop an attitude
3. Cop a plea
4. Cop a feel
5. Cop a squat
6. Cop a mouthful
7. Cop some Z's
8. Cop a handful
9. Cop some attitude
10. Cop some air