"Copedants" Example Sentences
1. The group of copedants refused to accept any new information that didn't align with their beliefs.
2. Despite evidence to the contrary, the copedants insisted on holding onto their outdated theories.
3. The copedants felt superior to those who didn't share their narrow-minded views.
4. The copedants failed to see the value in considering different perspectives.
5. The copedants often dismissed others' opinions without giving them a fair hearing.
6. The copedants' stubbornness prevented them from learning and growing.
7. The copedants' closed-mindedness hindered their ability to see the bigger picture.
8. The copedants clung to their old methodologies instead of embracing new ideas.
9. The copedants were so entrenched in their ways that they couldn't imagine being wrong.
10. The copedants' arrogance blinded them to their own limitations.
11. The copedants shunned anyone who didn't share their exact outlook on life.
12. The copedants lacked intellectual curiosity and were content with what they already knew.
13. The copedants preferred to live in a bubble that reinforced their own beliefs.
14. The copedants often dismissed scientific evidence that challenged their assumptions.
15. The copedants were suspicious of anyone who didn't speak their language or share their cultural background.
16. The copedants' dogmatism prevented them from seeing the flaws in their own thinking.
17. The copedants failed to acknowledge the complexities of the world around them.
18. The copedants were blind to their own biases and prejudices.
19. The copedants didn't see the value in diversity and tolerance.
20. The copedants were so rigid in their thinking that they couldn't adapt to changing circumstances.
21. The copedants dismissed anyone who disagreed with them as ignorant or uninformed.
22. The copedants were convinced that their way of doing things was the only way.
23. The copedants didn't understand the importance of intellectual humility.
24. The copedants belittled and ridiculed anyone who challenged their worldview.
25. The copedants were unwilling to learn from their mistakes or admit fault.
26. The copedants saw anyone who questioned them as a threat to their authority.
27. The copedants put their own pride above the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
28. The copedants refused to open their minds and hearts to new experiences and ideas.
29. The copedants couldn't conceive of a world in which they weren't right about everything.
30. The copedants were their own worst enemies, as their dogmatism held them back from progress and growth.
Common Phases
I can't work with these
copedants; they always need to be right.
copedants in the meeting were arguing over minor details; it was frustrating to listen to.
copedants spent hours debating the definition of a single word; it was a waste of time.
I try to avoid working with
copedants; it's exhausting to constantly argue with them.
copedants in the group were so focused on following the rules; they were unable to think creatively.
Dealing with
copedants requires a lot of patience; they can be stubborn and inflexible.
I don't enjoy socializing with
copedants; their need to be correct can make conversations unpleasant.
copedants in the office insist on doing everything by the book; it can slow down the workflow.