Copybook example sentences

Related (9): writing, penmanship, handwriting, workbook, calligraphy, cursive, manuscript, script, print

"Copybook" Example Sentences

1. The neat handwriting in his copybook showed he had been well taught.
2. She filled page after page of her copybook with elaborate cursive flourishes.
3. Their copybooks were all filled with carefully copied words and numbers.
4. He had learned to write by copying the alphabet from his mother's copybook.
5. The teacher compared the class's copybooks at the end of each semester.
6. The pages of his copybook were smudged with ink blots and crossed-out mistakes.
7. The school inspector examined the copybooks to check on the children's progress.
8. The copybooks from the 19th century displayed handwriting styles that few use today.
9. The covers of the old copybooks were worn and faded with age.
10. Copybooks were once used to teach handwriting and penmanship skills.
11. She doodled in the margins of her otherwise neat and orderly copybook.
12. Her copybook showed improvement as she learned to form her letters more precisely.
13. The swirls and flourishes in the copybooks demonstrated the pupils' dexterity.
14. The copies in the copybooks were a clear guide to the children's learning.
15. The worn-out copybooks contained decades of accumulated knowledge.
16. The blank pages at the back of the copybook were used for simple arithmetic sums.
17. The rows of perfect italic script in the copybook earned the girl top marks.
18. Copybooks taught students how to form letters and numbers uniformly.
19. He slid his copybook across the desk to show his teacher the careful penmanship.
20. Checking the copybooks helped the teacher identify those students who needed extra help.
21. The class stapled blank paper into their copybooks for written assignments.
22. The pages of her little sister's copybook were filled with colorful doodles.
23. Copybooks imparted the moral lessons of cleanliness, order and discipline.
24. The copybooks were neatly stacked in alphabetical order on the teacher's desk.
25. The principal praised the copybooks filled with tidy rows of even letters.
26. The antiquated copybooks made the children laugh at the old-fashioned lessons.
27. The teacher scolded him for doodling in his copybook during class.
28. The copybooks were sent home at the end of each term to show their parents.
29. The teacher held the copybooks up as examples to the rest of the class.
30. The copybooks taught the basics of copying, formation and pen control.
31. The schoolmaster drummed the copybook rules of discipline into his students.
32. The copybooks contained model examples for the children to imitate.
33. His copybook earned him a place on the headmaster's list of merit.
34. The copybooks were filled with passages copied from the Bible and poetry books.
35. Script in copybooks evolved from roundhand to copperplate styles over the years.
36. The copybooks from previous decades looked remarkably similar.
37. They kept their copybooks in cardboard folders to protect the pages.
38. The teacher kept the class's copybooks to mark and make comments.
39. Early copybooks emphasized uniformity of angle and spacing in the script.
40. She kept her old copybooks as mementos of her school days.
41. The copybooks had lined pages with margin lines for keeping letters straight.
42. His copybook held a random assortment of copied passages and sums.
43. Copybooks taught basic literacy as an essential life skill.
44. His copybook contained simple drawings in addition to letters and numbers.
45. Flowing calligraphy filled the pages of the antique copybooks.
46. The copybook was seen as an extension of the student's character.
47. Pens were dipped in inkwells as the children filled their copybooks.
48. Traditional copybooks are being replaced by digital devices and word processors.
49. She carefully copied each line of the passage into her copybook.
50. Old copybooks provide a glimpse into educational practices of the past.
51. There were blots and smudges on many of the aged copybooks.
52. Early copybook writings focused on religious texts and moral lessons.
53. Using copybooks fostered discipline, order and self-control in students.
54. The teacher confiscated the boy's copybook due to the foul language inside.
55. Samples of ornate copperplate script filled the dusty old copybooks.
56. Copybooks from previous generations contained educational maxims and sayings.
57. Mistakes in the copybooks were crossed out with ink blots.
58. Copybooks seem quaint and old-fashioned in today's digital classroom.
59. The copybooks showcased the penmanship skills prized at that time.
60. Ink stains cover the pages of my grandmother's old copybooks.

Common Phases

1. The neat handwriting in his copybook showed his diligent practice.
2. She kept her penmanship copybooks tucked away in a drawer as treasured mementos.
3. He opened his copybook to a fresh page and started carefully copying down the spelling words.
4. The ledger's pages were filled with the perfect Palmer method modeled in her penmanship copybook.
5. The yellowed pages of the copybook were filled with assignments from long ago.
6. Her penmanship copybook was the pride of her curriculum.
7. He took the copybook and carefully traced each looping letter.
8. The children were given penmanship copybooks as part of their homeschool lessons.
9. Write with care and neatness, as though copying from a perfect copybook.
10. The copybook maxims lined the margins as an admonishment to diligence.
11. The copybook example of her Palmer penmanship shamed her real writing.
12. According to the copybook, honesty is the best policy.
13. His copybook was filled with neat rows of block letters.
14. Hundreds of loops and lines filled his Palmer penmanship copybook.
15. His copybook ethics forbid such deception.
16. The black-edged pages of the copybook lay in wait.
17. I turned to a fresh page in my copybook and began to copy the poem.
18. The copybook commandments frowned from the page.
19. Copybook maxims lined the margins of each page.
20. In her copybook, she traced each letter with care.
21. The stitches look like they came from a sewing copybook.
22. His copybook conduct was a model for the class.
23. The copybook rules of etiquette were harshly enforced.
24. The copybook virtues were duly memorized but seldom practiced.
25. His copybook idealism soon gave way to practical politics.
26. The copybook injunctions against tardiness sat unheeded.
27. The old copybook lay forsaken in a dusty drawer.
28. Her copybook drawings revealed a keen artistic talent.
29. Her copybook recipe for sugar cookies tasted just perfect.
30. His copybook standards would not allow for compromise.
31. The copybook ideal of honesty seemed distant indeed.
32. The copybook principles were soon forgotten.
33. Her copybook sums were all painstakingly correct.
34. We checked his copybook homework for errors.
35. His copybook model of chivalry seemed outdated.
36. She traced the copybook example over and over.
37. His copybook grammar was impeccable.
38. She followed the copybook instructions carefully.
39. The copybook passage was filled with moral admonitions.
40. Her copybook needlework set the standard for perfection.
41. Her copybook manners were flawless.
42. The copybook maxims exhorted industry and frugality.
43. The copybook examples of calligraphy inspired her.
44. The copybook rules of arithmetic were deeply ingrained.
45. The copybook ideal of the strong silent man seemed quaint.
46. The copybook advice now seemed far out of date.
47. He carefully copied out the poem from his copybook.
48. His copybook ethics guided his every decision.
49. The copybook saying "Haste makes waste" sat unused.
50. His copybook standard of perfection was unattainable.
51. His copybook resolve soon wavered.
52. The copybook truths comforted her.
53. According to the copybook, the early bird gets the worm.
54. His copybook opinion contradicted reality.
55. Her copybook rules of etiquette guided her every move.
56. The copybook adages rang hollow.
57. The copybook virtues of thrift and temperance impressed him deeply.
58. His copybook conduct belied his true nature.
59. The copybook answers were all neatly marked.
60. The copybook rule kept him in check.

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