Cordonazo example sentences

"Cordonazo" Example Sentences

1. The cordonazo de San Francisco parade is one of the most popular events in Quito.
2. I ordered a cordonazo cocktail at the bar, and it was delicious.
3. During the protest, police established a cordonazo to prevent demonstrators from advancing.
4. The cordonazo of the Andes mountains is a natural barrier between Chile and Argentina.
5. In Spanish, the word "cordonazo" comes from the word "cordon" which means "cord" in English.
6. Many people believe that drinking cordonazo can help cure a hangover.
7. The cordonazo meteorite fell in Mexico in 1970, causing a stir among scientists.
8. Police officers used a cordonazo to keep tourists away from the dangerous area.
9. I'm not a big fan of cordonazo de pollo, but my friend loves it.
10. The restaurant offers a cordonazo de cerdo dish that is to die for.
11. The cordonazo de la paz ceremony in Cuba celebrates the signing of a treaty between the government and rebels.
12. The cordonazo de seguridad operation caught several drug dealers in the act.
13. During the cordonazo, the police managed to capture the criminal who had been on the run for months.
14. I always order cordonazo de camarones when I go to the seafood restaurant.
15. The cordonazo del océano separates the cold Humboldt Current from the warm El Niño current in the Pacific Ocean.
16. A group of protesters broke through the police cordonazo and stormed the government building.
17. The cordonazo de tromba was a rare weather phenomenon in the Philippines that caused a tornado-like wind.
18. The cordonazo de limon is a refreshing drink made with lemonade and rum.
19. The police used a cordonazo to prevent fans from getting too close to the celebrities.
20. The cordonazo de fuego volcano erupted in Guatemala in 2018, causing widespread damage.
21. I'm not sure what to order, should I get a cordonazo or a margarita?
22. During the cordonazo, the police found several weapons hidden in a car.
23. The cordonazo de pescado is a popular fish dish in the Caribbean.
24. The cordonazo de vaca sandwich is a classic in the Mexican cuisine.
25. The police established a cordonazo around the bank after the attempted robbery.
26. A cordonazo of protesters marched towards the Capitol building, demanding political change.
27. The cordonazo de chanchito dish is a Peruvian specialty made with pork.
28. The cordonazo naval maneuver tested the military's capability to defend the country's sea borders.
29. My favorite cordonazo restaurant is located in the historic center of the city.
30. The police used a cordonazo to separate the two groups of rival protesters.

Common Phases

not know what "cordonazo" means.
Lo siento, no sé lo que significa "cordonazo"; ¿podrías explicármelo?
¡Qué cordonazo más fuerte acaba de pasar!
Había una multitud tan grande que tuvimos que esperar al cordonazo para cruzar la calle.
Mi abuela todavía cree en la superstición de que recibir un cordonazo trae mala suerte.
Siempre me asusto cuando escucho el sonido del cordonazo mientras estoy caminando sola por la noche.
Se dice que el cordonazo es una señal divina de protección y guía, ¿crees que sea verdad?
El cordonazo fue tan ruidoso que incluso los edificios temblaron.
Mi perro siempre sabe cuando va a haber un cordonazo y se esconde debajo de la cama.
Espero que el cordonazo no afecte los cables de electricidad y dejemos de tener luz.
¡El cordonazo de ayer fue tan intenso que sentí como si me hubieran empujado!
Algunas personas piensan que los cordonazos son mensajes del más allá, pero yo prefiero no creerlo.

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