Corneas example sentences

Related (6): vision, transplant, injury, opacification, keratitis, endothelium

"Corneas" Example Sentences

1. She was born with corneas that were too thin, which caused her to have blurry vision.
2. A cornea transplant may be needed to restore vision in some cases.
3. He suffered severe eye damage during the accident, including a scratched cornea.
4. Eye drops were prescribed to alleviate the inflammation in his corneas.
5. Animal testing is often used to study diseases that affect the corneas.
6. Her corneas were abnormally shaped, leading to recurring eye infections.
7. The doctor examined her corneas closely with a special instrument.
8. In some cases, contact lenses can help reshape the cornea and improve vision.
9. Her corneas were no longer transparent due to scar tissue from an injury.
10. The laser surgery reshaped his cornea and helped him see clearly without glasses.
11. Corneal dystrophy is a genetic disorder that causes the cornea to lose clarity over time.
12. In extreme cases, corneal transplants may need to be repeated several times.
13. The cornea acts as a protective layer for the eye, shielding it from dust and debris.
14. A donor cornea can be used to replace a damaged or diseased cornea.
15. Radiation therapy can cause damage to the cornea in cancer patients.
16. People with contact lenses should be careful not to scratch their corneas while inserting or removing them.
17. A cornea specialist can diagnose and treat various corneal disorders.
18. Instead of glasses, some people choose to undergo corneal refractive surgery to correct their vision.
19. The corneas of birds and reptiles are tougher and more durable than those of humans.
20. Corneal ulcers are open sores on the cornea that can lead to vision loss.
21. The cornea is the only part of the body that does not have blood vessels.
22. Corneal topography is a diagnostic test that maps out the shape and curvature of the cornea.
23. The eye bank provides donor corneas for patients who need them.
24. Hereditary corneal dystrophies can lead to blindness if left untreated.
25. A foreign object in the eye can scratch the cornea and cause pain and redness.
26. Dry eye syndrome can cause the cornea to become inflamed and irritated.
27. Underlying conditions like diabetes or autoimmune disorders can increase the risk of corneal infections.
28. The cornea is made up of five layers, each with a different function.
29. Glasses with thicker lenses can magnify the appearance of the cornea and make the eyes look larger.
30. The cornea can become cloudy and opaque from conditions like cataracts or glaucoma.

Common Phases

1. His corneas were burning from staring at the computer screen for too long;
2. The surgeon carefully replaced the patient's damaged corneas with new ones;
3. She could feel her corneas dilating with excitement as she watched the fireworks display;
4. The bright sun caused him to squint and strain his corneas;
5. After being hit in the eye, his corneas were scratched and it was hard to see.

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