Corner example sentences

Related (7): angle, intersection, edge, turn, nook, curve, cornered

"Corner" Example Sentences

1. The cat was sleeping in the corner of the room.
2. I spotted the lost earring in the corner under the dresser.
3. The football was kicked into the corner of the field.
4. Children were playing in the corner of the playground.
5. The bear cub was hiding in the dark corner of the cave.
6. The box had been pushed into the dusty corner and forgotten.
7. I prefer to sit in a corner table when dining out.
8. There was a small plant in the corner of the office.
9. The suspect was cornered by the police officer.
10. He turned the corner and the house came into view.
11. The bus stopped at the corner and let the passengers off.
12. She stood in the corner watching nervously as they argued.
13. The student was standing in the corner as punishment.
14. People crowded into the corner store to buy supplies.
15. There is a small store on the corner of Main Street.
16. There is a coffee shop on the corner opposite my house.
17. The deer statue stood proudly in the corner of the garden.
18. I found my lost wallet sitting in the corner of my closet.
19. The shop was located at the corner of 2 busy streets.
20. He moved the chess piece into the corner of the board.
21. The couple sat in a corner table away from the other diners.
22. Turn the corner and you'll see the museum on your right.
23. She exited the car and walked around the corner to her house.
24. The football player was tackled into the corner of the end zone.
25. The spiders had woven their webs in the dark corners of the room.
26. They questioned the suspect in the corner of the interrogation room.
27. Fall leaves were accumulating in the corner of the backyard.
28. I stopped at the corner store on my walk home from work.
29. The runner sprinted around the corner and out of sight.
30. The dog cowered in the corner as the lions approached.
31. The corner was stacked high with boxes yet to be unpacked.
32. Trick-or-treaters crowded the corner on Halloween night.
33. The stray cat slept in a sunny corner on the patio.
34. There is an old barber shop on the corner of Oak and Main.
35. The students were instructed to sit in the corner during punishment.
36. The fishing pole was leaning in the corner by the door.
37. Neighbors chatted in the corner of the park on nice afternoons.
38. The basketball rolled into the far corner of the gym.
39. The prisoner was held in the corner cell away from the others.
40. Turn the corner and you'll see the cafe on your left.
41. The towel was hanging on the corner of the chair.
42. The small gift shop was located on the corner opposite the library.
43. The rats scurried into the dark corners when the light came on.
44. He backed his opponent into a corner before delivering the final blow.
45. There is always a crowd at the corner deli on Saturday mornings.
46. The child hid in the corner behind a chair when the stranger entered.
47. I had to stop at the corner store for milk on my way home.
48. Turn left at the corner for the shortest route to school.
49. The stray cat's favorite spot was the sunny corner of the porch.
50. Paper was blowing in the corner of the empty lot.
51. The fugitive was finally cornered and taken into custody.
52. Birds gathered on the corner overlooking the park.
53. We rounded the corner and saw the quaint shops lining the street.
54. I found an old coin sitting in the corner of my desk drawer.
55. They squeezed into the corner booth to avoid the noisy crowd.
56. The spider made its web in a dark corner of the bathroom ceiling.
57. The bouncer escorted the troublemaker out the corner exit.
58. The jack-o-lanterns sat in the corner awaiting Halloween.
59. Neighbors gathered on the corner to chat on warm summer nights.
60. The kittens were playing in the sunny corner of the backyard.

Common Phases

1. Turn the corner
meaning: reach a better or more improved state
- Things are starting to turn the corner and look more positive now.
2. Corner the market
meaning: gain control of the supply of a particular commodity or service
- The new company tried to corner the market on online tutoring services.
3. Paint oneself into a corner
meaning: put oneself in a difficult or restricted situation by one's actions or statements
- I wish I hadn't argued with my boss, I've really painted myself into a corner now.
4. Cut corners
meaning: do something in a hurry or careless way to save time or effort
- The designer cut corners on the product which led to quality issues.
5. Behind the eight ball
meaning: in an unfavorable or difficult position
- I'm behind the eight ball on this project since I missed the first few deadlines.
6. A dark corner
meaning: a place that is hidden, sinister or involves illegal activity
- The police suspected there was a deal going on in that dark corner of the alley.
7. Corner the market
meaning: gain control of the supply of a particular commodity or service
- The new company tried to corner the market on online tutoring services.
8. From out of the blue
meaning: done or said surprisingly and unexpectedly
- She got a call out of the blue from an old friend she hadn't spoken to in years.
9. Be caught in a corner
meaning: be in a difficult position with limited options
- I'm caught in a corner with no good choices in this situation.
10. Hold one's corner
meaning: maintain one's position confidently and successfully against opposition or hardship
- No matter what challenges life throws at me, I'll do my best to hold my corner.

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