Coronallycoronally example sentences

Related (1): Coronally

"Coronallycoronally" Example Sentences

1. The dentist had to drill coronallycoronally to remove the decay.
2. The tooth was fractured coronallycoronally and needed a crown.
3. The dentist explained that the procedure would involve cutting coronallycoronally into the tooth.
4. The X-ray showed that the cavity extended coronallycoronally.
5. The dentist used a special tool to shave coronallycoronally off of the tooth.
6. The patient was experiencing pain in the coronallycoronally area of the tooth.
7. The dentist recommended a root canal as the decay had spread coronallycoronally.
8. The dentist used a mirror to view the tooth coronallycoronally.
9. The dentist prepped the tooth by grinding coronallycoronally until it was smooth.
10. The dentist filled the cavity that extended coronallycoronally.
11. The patient complained of sensitivity in the coronallycoronally area of the tooth.
12. The dentist explained that the crack was located coronallycoronally and would cause problems if left untreated.
13. The dentist instructed the assistant to drill coronallycoronally into the tooth.
14. The patient was experiencing pain when the dentist pressed coronallycoronally on the tooth.
15. The dentist filed coronallycoronally to smooth out the rough edges of the tooth.
16. The dentist adjusted the crown coronallycoronally to ensure it fit properly.
17. The dentist used a laser to remove the decay coronallycoronally.
18. The patient had a cavity that extended coronallycoronally and needed a filling.
19. The dentist used a sharp blade to trim coronallycoronally excess gum tissue.
20. The dentist explained that the tooth was chipped coronallycoronally in a fall.
21. The dentist had to remove the tooth coronallycoronally as it was badly infected.
22. The patient showed signs of gum recession coronallycoronally.
23. The dentist used a scaler to remove plaque coronallycoronally on the tooth surface.
24. The patient had a history of decay that started coronallycoronally and progressed downwards.
25. The dentist found a crack that was located coronallycoronally and caused a lot of pain.
26. The dentist used a drill to reshape the tooth coronallycoronally.
27. The patient had a filling that had fallen out coronallycoronally and needed to be replaced.
28. The dentist recommended a nightguard as the patient was grinding their teeth coronallycoronally.
29. The dentist explained that the crown would be placed coronallycoronally and cemented in place.
30. The dentist used a rubber dam to isolate the tooth coronallycoronally during the procedure.

Common Phases

1. The coronally coronally separated teeth require careful attention during brushing;
2. It is essential to treat coronally coronally separated roots to avoid further deterioration;
3. The dentist used a special tool to measure the coronal coronally separation of the tooth;
4. Brushing too hard can increase the coronal coronally separation of teeth;
5. The patient's dental X-ray revealed a significant coronally coronally separation of the molars;
6. Coronal coronally separation is a common dental issue that requires prompt treatment;
7. The dental hygienist recommended a fluoride treatment for the patient's coronally coronally separated teeth;
8. Patients with severe coronal coronally separation may require dental implants or bridges;
9. The dentist explained the importance of flossing in preventing coronal coronally separation;
10. The patient was relieved to learn that the coronal coronally separation could be fixed with a simple dental filling.

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