Corroders example sentences
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- "Corroders" example sentences
Related (5): erosion, rust, decay, oxidation, disintegration.
"Corroders" Example Sentences
1. Corroders often cause damage to metal surfaces over time.
2. Rust is a common result of the action of corroders on iron.
3. The corrosive properties of certain chemicals make them effective corroders.
4. The ship's hull had been worn away by the constant action of the seawater and the corroders in it.
5. Protective coatings can help prevent corroders from damaging metal surfaces.
6. Acidic substances are known to be particularly strong corroders.
7. The presence of oxygen in the air can exacerbate the action of corroders on metal.
8. The maintenance crew had to regularly inspect the pipelines for signs of damage caused by corroders.
9. The use of stainless steel is often recommended in environments with high levels of corroders.
10. The corroding effect of salt is a major problem for metal structures near the ocean.
11. Corroders can be very expensive to neutralize and repair.
12. The corrosion on the metal statue was caused by the action of various corroders over time.
13. The factory had to take extra precautions to protect their machinery from the effects of corroders.
14. The oil rig had suffered significant damage from the constant exposure to the corroders in the seawater.
15. Scientists are always looking for new ways to prevent the action of corroders on metal.
16. The corroded pipes had to be replaced due to the heavy damage caused by the corrosive action of various substances.
17. The construction crew had to select materials that were resistant to the specific corroders found in the soil.
18. Without proper maintenance, corroders can quickly eat away at metal surfaces, causing them to fail.
19. The use of protective coatings has become increasingly popular as a way to prevent the action of corroders on metal structures.
20. The pH level of a substance can greatly affect its ability to act as a corroder.
21. The metal chains on the swingset had been weakened by the constant action of corroders in the air.
22. The corroded gasket had to be replaced in order to prevent further damage to the machinery.
23. The bridge had to be closed for repairs due to the damage caused by the action of corroders on the metal.
24. The steel beams on the building's facade had been treated with a coating that protected them from the effects of corroders.
25. The team of researchers had discovered a new type of material that was resistant to even the strongest corroders.
26. The industrial park had to be located in an area with low levels of natural corroders in order to avoid costly repairs.
27. The metal parts of the car had been damaged by the constant exposure to the corroders in the road salt.
28. The company had to replace all of the corroded metal components in their machines in order to prevent failures.
29. The boat had to be lifted out of the water for repairs due to the damage caused by the corroders in the seawater.
30. Corroders can be found in a variety of locations, from industrial sites to natural environments.
31. The bridge had been constructed using a material that was resistant to the types of corroders found in the area.
32. The corroded pipes had to be replaced in order to prevent contamination of the water supply.
33. The use of protective coatings had saved the company millions of dollars in repairs from the effects of corroders.
34. The metal sculpture had been damaged by the action of various corroders in the air.
35. Corroders can penetrate deep into the surface of metal, causing irreversible damage.
36. The corroded door hinges had to be replaced in order to prevent the door from falling off.
37. The pipes on the oil rig had been treated with a special coating that protected them from the highly corrosive seawater corroders.
38. The construction company had to take into consideration the types of corroders present in the soil when selecting materials for the foundation.
39. The team of engineers had developed a new material that was impervious to all types of corroders.
40. The corroded metal surface had to be sanded down in order to apply a new protective coating.
Common Phases
corroders ate away at the metal; leaving behind only rust; eventually causing the structure to deteriorate and collapse.
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