Corrupta example sentences

Related (10): bribery, fraud, dishonesty, embezzlement, nepotism, extortion, graft, malfeasance, venality, subornation

"Corrupta" Example Sentences

1. The government officials were accused of being corrupta and accepting bribes.
2. She felt that the company's business practices were corrupta and unethical.
3. The dictator's regime was notorious for being corrupta and oppressive.
4. The police officer was caught engaging in corrupta behavior with a drug cartel.
5. The judge was found guilty of corrupta and sentenced to prison.
6. The corrupta practices of the political party led to their downfall in the election.
7. The businessman was investigated for corrupta activities and ultimately faced legal consequences.
8. The country's economy suffered greatly due to corrupta leaders embezzling funds.
9. The media exposed the corrupta dealings of a major corporation, damaging their reputation.
10. The whistle-blower revealed the extent of the corrupta schemes at the highest levels of government.
11. The student union was criticized for their handling of funds and allegations of corrupta practices.
12. The charity was accused of being corrupta and misusing donated funds.
13. The company's former CEO was arrested on charges of corrupta practices and fraud.
14. The town's mayor resigned amidst allegations of corrupta behavior.
15. The athlete was banned from competition after being caught engaging in corrupta behavior.
16. The country's legal system was deemed corrupta and in need of reform.
17. The church was rocked by scandals involving corrupta priests and cover-ups.
18. The political campaign was tarnished by accusations of corrupta fundraising practices.
19. The construction company was investigated for corrupta dealings with city officials.
20. The banking industry was criticized for their role in the corrupta practices that led to the 2008 financial crisis.
21. The journalist was threatened with violence for exposing corrupta practices in a local business.
22. The nonprofit organization's director was arrested for corrupta practices.
23. The union leader was implicated in corrupta activities involving kickbacks and bribes.
24. The pharmaceutical company was investigated for corrupta marketing practices.
25. The police department faced protests and calls for accountability after several cases of corrupta behavior by officers.
26. The government's anti-corruption task force was criticized for not doing enough to combat corrupta practices.
27. The judge's verdict raised suspicions of corrupta influence from higher officials.
28. The military dictatorship was known for its widespread and deep-seated corrupta practices.
29. The undercover investigation exposed the corrupta practices of a prominent lobbyist.
30. The country's judiciary was deemed corrupta by international observers, leading to calls for reform.

Common Phases

1. La política está corrupta; no se puede confiar en ningún político.
2. La empresa se ha vuelto corrupta; solo les importa el dinero y no la ética.
3. La justicia está corrupta; los ricos siempre salen impunes.
4. La policía está corrupta; algunos oficiales están involucrados en actividades ilegales.
5. La educación está corrupta; hay personal académico que acepta sobornos para aprobar a los estudiantes.
6. La sociedad está corrupta; se premia a los más astutos y se castiga a los honestos.
7. La religión está corrupta; algunos líderes religiosos abusan de su poder.
8. La salud está corrupta; los servicios de salud son inaccesibles para las personas más pobres.
9. La agricultura está corrupta; algunos agricultores usan químicos peligrosos para aumentar sus cosechas.
10. Los medios de comunicación están corruptos; solo transmiten información que beneficia a sus intereses.

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