Corruption example sentences

Related (13): bribery, embezzlement, fraud, nepotism, cronyism, kickbacks, graft, extortion, patronage, collusion, favoritism, dishonesty, malfeasance.

"Corruption" Example Sentences

1. The corruption scandal rocked the government.
2. The company was exposed for corruption in their accounting practices.
3. The police officer was arrested for corruption.
4. The mayor was accused of corruption and forced to resign.
5. Corruption has been a persistent problem in that country.
6. The corruption of the political system has led to a lack of trust in the government.
7. The investigation revealed a web of corruption within the company.
8. Corruption can lead to economic and social instability.
9. The corruption of the legal system was a major concern for citizens.
10. The misuse of funds was a clear example of corruption.
11. Corruption undermines democracy and weakens institutions.
12. The bribery scandal was a prime example of corruption in politics.
13. The corruption of the education system has long term effects.
14. The corrupt officials were caught by an anti-corruption organization.
15. The corruption of the judicial branch was detrimental to the rule of law.
16. Corruption is a serious crime that must be punished accordingly.
17. The investigation uncovered potential corruption in the business dealings.
18. Corruption is a hindrance to economic growth and development.
19. The extent of corruption in the organization was shocking.
20. The corrupt politician was sentenced to prison.
21. The anti-corruption laws need to be strengthened to prevent future wrongdoing.
22. The impact of corruption on society cannot be ignored.
23. The fight against corruption requires a concerted effort from all sectors.
24. Corruption is not limited to the public sector, but also pervades the private sector.
25. The consequences of corruption can be devastating for a country and its people.
26. The corrupt practices of a few individuals can tarnish the reputation of an entire organization.
27. The UN has set up an anti-corruption commission to combat corruption worldwide.
28. Corruption poses a grave threat to the legitimacy of a government.
29. The corruption of the judicial system undermines the trust in the justice system.
30. Corruption is a cancer that eats away at the fabric of society.

Common Phases

1. Corruption is a cancer that eats away at the fabric of society;
2. Corruption undermines trust in government and damages public confidence in institutions;
3. Corruption erodes the rule of law and creates a culture of impunity;
4. Corruption skews market competition and distorts economic growth;
5. Corruption siphons resources away from those who need them most and leads to poverty and inequality;
6. Corruption breeds crime and contributes to social unrest;
7. Corruption poses a threat to national security and weakens democratic institutions;
8. Corruption robs citizens of the right to honest and accountable governance;
9. Corruption thrives in environments where there is a lack of transparency, oversight or accountability;
10. Corruption is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires a comprehensive and coordinated response.

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