Cottagers example sentences

Related (18): Cottage, Lakeside, Boating, Fishing, Vacation, Camping, Summer, BBQ, Canoeing, Swimming, Fireplace, Hiking, Nature, Outdoor, Kayaking, Relaxation, Boathouse, Picnic.

"Cottagers" Example Sentences

1. The cottagers were surprised when the bear visited their village.
2. Cottagers living in the mountains often have to brave harsh weather conditions.
3. She was one of the few cottagers who chose to stay in the village during the winter.
4. The cottagers were very friendly and welcomed us into their homes.
5. The cottagers were busy preparing for the upcoming harvest festival.
6. The cottagers were quick to offer us a warm meal and a place to sleep.
7. The cottagers were proud of their hard work and dedication to their small village.
8. The cottagers had been living in the valley for generations and were proud of their heritage.
9. The cottagers were very hospitable and invited us to share in their festivities.
10. The cottagers were always eager to share stories of their adventures and travels.
11. The cottagers were a tight-knit group and welcomed us with open arms.
12. The cottagers had been living in the area for centuries and had a deep connection to the land.
13. The cottagers were hard-working and resourceful, and had managed to survive in the harsh environment.
14. The cottagers were always willing to lend a helping hand when needed.
15. The cottagers were a close-knit community and looked out for one another.
16. The cottagers had been living in the area for generations and had a deep knowledge of the land.
17. The cottagers were generous with their time and resources, and often shared what they had.
18. The cottagers were always ready to lend a hand and offer advice to those in need.
19. The cottagers had a deep respect for the land and the creatures that lived there.
20. The cottagers had a strong sense of community and worked together to ensure everyone was taken care of.
21. The cottagers were proud of their independence and self-sufficiency.
22. The cottagers were content with their simple life and had no desire to leave the valley.
23. The cottagers were a fiercely loyal group and fiercely defended their land and way of life.
24. The cottagers were always willing to share their knowledge and experience with visitors.
25. The cottagers were a peaceful people and rarely got into disputes with their neighbors.
26. The cottagers were proud of their hard work and the fruits of their labor.
27. The cottagers were a close-knit family and looked out for each other.
28. The cottagers had a deep understanding of the land and the creatures that lived there.
29. The cottagers were a hardy bunch and could survive in the harshest of conditions.
30. The cottagers had a great respect for the land and its resources.
31. The cottagers were always willing to help out their neighbors in times of need.
32. The cottagers had a strong connection to their land and the creatures that lived there.
33. The cottagers were a tight-knit group and helped each other out in times of need.
34. The cottagers had a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of the area.
35. The cottagers were a proud and independent people who valued their freedom.
36. The cottagers had a deep respect for their land and the creatures that lived there.
37. The cottagers were generous with their time and resources, and often shared what they had with others.
38. The cottagers had a strong sense of community and worked together to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all.
39. The cottagers had a deep understanding of the land and its resources, and worked hard to protect it.
40. The cottagers were a resourceful people and could make do with whatever resources were available.

Common Phases

Cottagers' delight; Cottagers' paradise; Cottagers' refuge; Cottagers' retreat; Cottagers' haven; Cottagers' hideaway; Cottagers' sanctuary; Cottagers' oasis.

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