Covenantors example sentences

Related (5): contractors, promise-makers, guarantors, obligors, signatories

"Covenantors" Example Sentences

1. The covenantors met to discuss the terms of their agreement.
2. The covenantors agreed to maintain the property in good condition.
3. The covenantors signed the agreement with a sense of responsibility.
4. The covenantors knew that violating the covenant would result in penalties.
5. The covenantors had to abide by the terms or face legal consequences.
6. The covenantors were committed to keeping the neighborhood organized.
7. The covenantors ensured that the community remained safe and secure.
8. The covenantors kept a watchful eye on the neighborhood to prevent crime.
9. The covenantors agreed to contribute to common areas for the benefit of all.
10. The covenantors were pleased with the outcome of their negotiations.
11. The covenantors kept their word and adhered to the terms of the agreement.
12. The covenantors made sure that everyone was treated fairly and equally.
13. The covenantors acted in the best interest of the community as a whole.
14. The covenantors acknowledged the responsibilities they took on by signing.
15. The covenantors had a sense of pride in keeping their community thriving.
16. The covenantors were willing to compromise to reach a mutual agreement.
17. The covenantors took their obligations seriously and fulfilled them completely.
18. The covenantors recognized the importance of maintaining property values.
19. The covenantors worked together to create a peaceful and harmonious community.
20. The covenantors shared the costs of keeping the community in good shape.
21. The covenantors knew they could trust each other to keep their word.
22. The covenantors created a document that would last for many years.
23. The covenantors were diligent in their efforts to enforce the agreement.
24. The covenantors protected their investment by upholding the agreement's terms.
25. The covenantors were committed to making sure the community remained attractive.
26. The covenantors understood that their actions impacted others in the community.
27. The covenantors followed the rules and were respectful of others' rights.
28. The covenantors kept communication open to resolve any issues that arose.
29. The covenantors ensured that their actions positively affected the entire community.
30. The covenantors were proud to be part of a community that upheld its agreements.

Common Phases

1. The covenantors agreed to abide by the terms of the contract; they signed the document without hesitation.
2. The covenantors made a promise to support each other in good times and bad; they vowed to always be there for one another.
3. The covenantors entered into an agreement with the understanding that it was legally binding; they took the responsibility of fulfilling their obligations seriously.
4. The covenantors acknowledged their shared responsibilities and agreed upon how they would handle any potential disputes; they were committed to maintaining a healthy working relationship.
5. The covenantors established a set of guidelines to follow when making decisions; they intended to work together as a team and respect each other's opinions.

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