Cowquake example sentences

Related (5): cattle, earthquake, tremor, herd, stampede

"Cowquake" Example Sentences

1. The latest news reported a cowquake that caused some minor damages in the rural area.
2. I could feel the ground shaking under my feet, and I knew there was a cowquake happening nearby.
3. The farmers were in shock when they witnessed the cowquake that had never happened before in their lifetime.
4. The insurance company refused to cover the damages caused by the cowquake, claiming it was an act of nature.
5. The scientists started studying the cowquake to understand its impact on the environment and its causes.
6. The locals were worried about the possibility of a stronger cowquake hitting their town soon.
7. The news channels covered the cowquake story extensively, interviewing witnesses and experts.
8. The cowquake caused some cows to run wild, and the farmers had to round them up again.
9. I never thought I would witness a cowquake in my lifetime, but here we are.
10. The government announced relief funds for the farmers affected by the cowquake, but some complained it wasn't enough.
11. The seismologists gave a detailed report about the magnitude and epicenter of the cowquake that rattled the region.
12. The tourists were excited to experience a cowquake and added it to their bucket list.
13. The locals had a tradition of predicting cowquake occurrences based on the behavior of the animals.
14. The authorities warned the people to stay indoors during the cowquake to avoid any accidents.
15. The cowquake shattered the peace and quiet of the rural town, leaving everyone in shock.
16. The cows were spooked by the cowquake and refused to come out of their barns for days.
17. The media sensationalized the cowquake, and some criticized them for it.
18. The scientists were baffled by the sudden increase in cowquake activity in the area.
19. The government sent a team of experts to assess the damages caused by the cowquake and provide support.
20. The cow owners had to rebuild their barns after the cowquake destroyed them.
21. The authorities asked the scientists to come up with an early warning system for cowquakes.
22. The farmers had to reorganize their fields after the cowquake caused some landslides.
23. The cowquake was a reminder of how strong nature could be and how unprepared we were.
24. The rescue teams had to navigate the rubble caused by the cowquake to reach the affected people.
25. The experts concluded that the cowquake was caused by a combination of factors, including environmental degradation.
26. The town held a charity event to raise funds for the victims of the cowquake.
27. The local authorities organized workshops to educate the people about cowquakes and how to prepare for them.
28. The cows seemed to have calmed down after the cowquake, and the farmers were relieved.
29. The news of the cowquake spread far and wide, and it became a topic of conversation worldwide.
30. The scientists continued to study the cowquake to unravel its mysteries and prevent future disasters.

Common Phases

1. The entire ground shook like a cowquake;
2. I thought there was an earthquake, but it turned out to be a cowquake;
3. The sudden cowquake made the milk spill from the jug;
4. The cow's jump caused a minor cowquake;
5. As soon as the cows started running, it felt like a cowquake.

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